Family affairs II

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After the heated conversation Steve had with his parents, he stormed off to Lana's room, he had a frown on his face and his beautiful pale skin turned pink, "Sweetie what happened?!" Lana asked, "Its nothing baby, I'm fine" Steve replied, "I feared this was going to be the case, your mum doesn't approve of us, I could hear you yell even from way up here" Lana said with a seemingly sad look, "It's our wedding not hers, nothing has changed and nothing will change that, I promise" Steve said trying to make her smile again, "Honey, I love you and it will bring me great joy to marry you but I can't do it like this, I don't want to be the one that separates you from your mum, I know we have your Dad's blessing but I want everyone to be on board with us, that's the only way my joy will be full" Lana said, "Lana please don't do this, please...." Steve pleaded, "I'm going over to have a conversation with your mother, if I come back with this ring on, then we'll get married but if I don't, then I'm afraid it's over" Lana said, "I gotta go outside, I can't stay here for a second more" Steve said and walked out the door.

An hour passed and Lana was ready to go talk to Lady Gloria, even if it might mean the end of her relationship with Steve, she wanted to do the right thing. She asked one of the maids where Steve's mum is and they told her she was sitting at the patio, so she went there and she saw her looking lost in thoughts.



Lana: Good evening Lady Gloria......

Lady Gloria: If you have come here to gloat, there's no need for that, I know when I'm beat

Lana: Can I sit with you?

Lady Gloria: If you insist......

Lana: Lady Gloria.... I know you do not approve of me marrying your son and he still wants to marry me anyway but I hate to be responsible for separating you from your only child, so I came here to ask for permission myself, I really love your son and he loves me too, so I'm giving you our engagement ring, if you give it back to me then I'll know you've accepted me as your daughter in law to be and if you don't give it back, then I promise never to see your son again

Lady Gloria: You're willing to give up your happiness for mine?

Lana: Our happiness won't be complete if you're not there when we get married, I understand, I know what it's like to not have a mother and I'll do anything to have her again with me, I don't want Steve to lose you because of me, it will break my heart even more than losing him.

Lady Gloria: Walk with me Lana...*stands up*

Lana: WOW.... this place is beautiful....

Lady Gloria: Many years ago, my parents threw a party for my engagement right here in this garden, I didn't know it was my engagement, my mother wanted me to marry Lord Frederick Graumont, I was just about your age then, I was in love with a certain American named Phillip, who is now my husband, I ran away from my engagement party, my mother was furious with me but my father wanted me to be happy, Marquis Noah Thompson, May his soul Rest In Peace, he approved my marriage with Phillip but my happiness wasn't complete until my mother came to my dressing room on my wedding day and gave me her blessing.

Lana: That's a very touching story Lady Gloria......

Lady Gloria: You reminded me of myself when I was your age, I was in love with someone my mother didn't approve and I know how that hurt me, on my wedding day, my mother gave me this hairpin *reaches out for her hair and pulled out the hairpin* she gave me this as a symbol of her approval of my marriage with Phillip and now I'm handing it to you as my approval of your marriage to my son.

Lana: *Gasps hugs Lady Gloria* Lady Gloria...... Thank you so much, this means a lot and it's so beautiful...... Thank you so much

Lady Gloria: Call me mother..... Now that you're my daughter in law to be, I want you to see me as a mother figure..

Lana: Why the sudden change of heart?

Lady Gloria: Lana.... I haven't been a good mother to my son, I have being selfish, I want to make up for all my mistakes, I don't want to be what stands between him and his happiness, promise me you'll take good care of my Stephen

Lana: I promise......

Lady Gloria: You're a graceful woman Lana, being royal is not just having a title, it's also having character and grace and I see that in you, you rose above and made me see my wrongs, If that's not regal then I don't know what is, I'm glad my son is in good hands *placing her palm on Lana's cheek*

Lana: Thank you mother...... Thank you so much..........



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Lies between the lines (Re-writing) (Adult version) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang