Chapter 13

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Alex came into his room with a bottle of beer and handed it to Elias who thanked him. He was sitting on a chair in Alex's room. After the escapade, they both rode back to his house on his motorcycle. "So, tell me how it all went from the beginning."

Elias sighed, "It's a long story..."

"Do you have to be anywhere?" Alex asked, laying down on his bed so that his body was facing Elias. Elias shook his head no. "Then..?"

"Um, so I kind of did something to Asher by mistake, and Asher got really uncomfortable and now won't talk to me. He's avoiding me, and he's just acting like a completely different person. He's gotten Derek and Jake to act weird towards me too. I tried talking to him but he's being weird. I've never seen him act like this before." Elias explained quietly, taking a deep gulp of beer and letting the alcohol sink into him.

"A mistake? What'd you do to make him act that way?" Alex asked, bursting with curiosity.

He considered telling Alex or making something up, then he realized there's no harm in just saying it. He rolled his eyes, "I might've kissed him."

Alex tried not to show his surprise but it was obvious. "Oh, wow. You kissed him? I didn't know you... you like him? What about Alyssa?"

Elias shook his head and rubbed his face in distress. "I don't even- I don't know, okay. It's complicated. I thought Asher was... its hard to explain. I've been receiving these notes. They're kinda flirty sometimes? I just thought it was him because he said something the note said, so I kissed him because- I don't know! We had just gotten out of an argument, I missed him and I was finally getting to talk to him about it, it was an impulsive decision and yes I regret it like crazy. I feel insanely guilty, not just because it didn't end up being him writing the notes but because Alyssa... she treats me well and I had to go and do something stupid. I'm worried Asher will tell her." He blabbered, waving his arms everywhere to express himself and was definitely flustered.

"I see," Alex said slowly, lighting a cigarette. "So, you guys had already been in an argument? About what?"

"He thought i was homophobic."

Alex paused for a moment. "Well, up until now I've thought you were too."

Elias looked at him funny, "Me? Why?"

"Because, when we saw each other at your secret spot for the first time, you just instantly hated me. I thought it was because you knew I was bisexual or something."

"What? No! I had no idea you were even bisexual at that time. I found out way later from Alyssa." Elias was very interested at this point.

"So what, you got bad vibes from me or? I'm still confused about why you immediately disliked me." Alex said, laughing a little but still very intrigued and focused on this topic. He wanted to know everything going on in Elias' pretty little head.

Elias chuckled and covered his face in embarrassment. "To tell the truth, the real reason I disliked you is because I was jealous in a way. I guess you could say you made me feel less than, or unworthy, self conscious. I just felt like you were better than me in every way and I didn't like that."

"Oh God, that's really the reason?" Alex scoffed and took a drag. Elias nodded with red cheeks. He laughed and shook his head, "Wow... if only I had known that long ago."

"Would you have acted differently?"

"Of course! The only reason I liked to push your buttons is because I thought you were homophobic too and tried to get on your nerves."

The two boys bursted out into laughter and just sighed in relief at their realizations of how dumb they were. Alex offered Elias his cigarette. "Oh, it's okay. I'm not into cigarettes that much."

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