Fullsun - Haechan

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Dedicated to fantastic_odyssey and our fullsun!! Happy birthday to the both of themm~


"Bubs is gone." A croaky voice stammered through the phone.

I was greeted by the cool air as I walked out of the convinience store, my phone in one hand and a paper bag in the other. It was maybe at around 4 in the morning when I decided to get up and buy something to snack on that morning. An odd decision, but I brushed it off. A concerned look was plastered onto my face as I continued to walk, gravel colliding with the underside of my rubber boots. My dark brushed to the sides of my face and a hoodie pulled over my head.

"What?" I questioned with worry hinted in my voice, making sure that I hadn't misheard what Rosa had informed me.

"You're cat, San. He's not here." I froze in my place when she said that. "Maybe he's walking by the lake in the forest?" Nana, my other room mate, guessed, tiredness also evident in her voice when she spoke.

"How can I be so sure, though?"

"You take him there often, don't you?" Rosa questioned. I looked around and hummed, "Right. I'll go look for him." Right after I had said that, quiet protests came from the other side of the line.

"Wait! No! San-" I ended the call and shoved the phone into the inner pockets of my jacket and proceeded to walk uphill.

The breeze whispered as I hurriedly walked up. It was still pretty dark out and the sun was only preparing to rise. I huffed, I usually wasn't one to take on risky things alone, even out of worry. But my cat of only a few weeks had run off into the forest, how could I not.

I sighed in relief when I came face to face with the entrance of the forest, fishing my phone out and turned on the light that now emitted from the back of my phone. I hesitantly entered the forest, the birds morning chirps filling in the void of silence. I was familiar with this part of the hills, being taken here a lot when I was little, though I wasn't used to entering it so early in the morning. I'd probably still be asleep.

I maneuvered myself through the trees as dirt and dead leaves crunched beneath my boots, being careful not wanting to trip and fall. I'd look over my shoulder often to make sure I hadn't gone off track.

Finally, I stepped out of the group of trees and dusted my pajamas. There in front of me stood a huge lake that reflected the sky scattered with wisps of clouds. The atmosphere was more peaceful than how it felt in the afternoon. It was cold, and it gave off a very lonely feeling that had seemed to struck me for unknown reasons.

I carefully flashed my light in some directions till I heard a meow somewhere in the opposite side from where I stood. By then the sun had already slowly start to peek from the hills, the sky wasn't as dark and I could make out a figure to where the meowing had come from. I directed the light to where I had heard the sound, and saw the black cat with a white diamond shaped mark on his forehead.

"Bubs!" I whispered in excitement and relief. My attention had completely diverted once I noticed a male figure sat on the ground, half of his legs dipped into the lake. Clearly he had no interest in my prescence nor cat's and only continued to stare down at his lap.

I quietly and slowly walked over to where he was, but before I could take another step near him he looked up at me and flinched. I was taken aback when I noticed his figure was soaked, his wet light brown hair hovered over his reddish doe-like eyes. Though one had caught my attention. Certain emotions were held in his eyes. Fear, anger, and sadness. All three were present. Tears continued to run down his flushed cheeks when he looked up at me wide-eyed.

I meekly pointed towards the cat that sat beside him. He looked down in confusion and when he came to realization, he carefully held up the cat towards me and immediately looked away after I took it. It was awkward and silent, and I only stood there with a cat in my arms who was desperate to be let go of.

Do I just leave or-

My thoughts were cut off when Bubs had jumped off my grasp and sat beside the boy once again, who jolted in surprise. I looked around and silently squatted near the boy. I wasn't planning on breaking the silence, but the other did otherwise.

"Do you ever just want to run away..?" He asks, his voice soft. "From w-what?" It was obvious I was nervous, judging by my stiff figure and shaky voice, but the boy wasn't. He was calm, but something about it was slightly off. "Anything. Everything."

I exhaled and glanced at him, "Sometimes.. Though I wouldn't know where to go." I managed to answer without stuttering.

"Anywhere. It'd be your choice whether or not when to come back." he looked up at the sky with a bitter smile on his face. "If given the chance, I'd never come back."

I silently nodded at his statement and looked down at the lake that relfected my figure. I hovered over with my hand and lightly touched the water, creating a small ripple that spread throughout the lake. "And where would you go?"

He hummed, "I'd travel the world, change my name maybe," he paused and turned towards me, "Or I'd live in the moon and admire the sun."

"The sun? Why not the stars?" I looked back at him curiously.

"There's too many stars to look at, but the sun is only one. The sun shines so bright it gives me so much hope. Almost like it's the only thing I have faith in." He shrugged and grabbed a pebble nearby and threw it onto the lake's surface and he watched as it skipped.

"You know, sometimes I think of myself like I was the sun." I raised a brow at him "How is that?"

He chuckled and leaned on his arms. "I emmit so much bright energy to make people happy. To show people that I'm always happy. To show that I could shine bright.  And yet I still get reminded everyday that I'm not that special nor different. That I'm just another a star."

He pulled his feet up from the water and pushed himself up till he stood. For a while there was silence and I stood up and walked beside him to look admire the sunrise. The sun's light grazing over the grassy hills as another breeze passed. The sky painted with warm colors like red and orange. Birds chirping on trees and I could hear the chickens' faint wake up calls coming from behind.

"You know," I started and the boy turned to me. "You're not just 'another star'. You're the brightest, and no one can compare to that. Don't let anyone say so otherwise, Haechan."

He raised a brow at the name, "Haechan?" I flashed a small smile and nodded. "I've seen you around, but I don't know your name, therefore I called you Haechan." He paused for a moment and diverted his eyes somewhere, getting deep in thought. He then looked at me with widened eyes.


Out there in the sky are uncountable numbers of stars. Though each one was special, unique. Some are smaller, some are bigger, some shine brighter, but there's always something, even the smallest things can make one different. And it's the same with everything. But some tend to notice only the similarities, forgetting that there's always that small thing that made a whole thing different. There's always something about us that made us stand out from the rest. It shouldn't be a matter of who shines brighter, but more of what makes one thing so remarkably different.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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