"Harry, wait!" I called. At the same time the pawns came to life and crossed their swords to block the path. I jogged to the others. "As I was saying. We are going to have to play the game in order to get through that door." I said.

"Right. Harry, you take the empty bishops square. Hermione you'll be the queens side castle. Lucinda be the queen. As for me, I'll be the knight." Ron ordered. We all fell into place. I used one of the pawns as a stool to get on top of the queens shoulders. I should have a good view from here.

"What do we do now?" Hermione asked.

"White makes the first move. Then, we play the game." Ron answered. A white pawn set itself one square forward.

"Do you suppose this is like real wizards chess?" I asked. That was the real question that needed answering.

Ron looked around and spotted a pawn not far from the white one. If he moved it then the chess price would get ours. "You there.. D-5!" He ordered the piece. As I predicted, the white pawn slashed ours. We stood shocked, even still. "Yes, Lucinda, I think this'll be exactly like wizards chess." Ron gulped. I heard a whine come out of Hermione. She looked petrified. I kind of felt sorry for her. A muggle that has gotten thrown into a whole new world only thought to be made up. Then again, Harry was the same way. Me and Ron were the only ones used to the wizarding world, him more than me. My life was lived under a rock.

Ron took on the leadership role quite well. Ordering pieces to different places. He was good and loyal. Maybe a bit too loyal. From where I sat I had a very good look of the layout and Ron had a very bad plan.

"Ron no." I spoke quickly. The others looked at me quizzically. Harry looked back to the board.

"Wait a minute." Harry said realizing his friends mistake.

"You understand right? Once I make my move, the queen will take me. Then you're free the check the king, Harry." Ron said. There's the stupid plan.

"No! Ron, No!" Harry yelled.

"What? What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Ron's trying to play the hero and kill himself." I answered.

"No! You can't! There has to be another way!" Hermione yelled.

"Do you wanna stop Snape-or whoever it is- from getting the stone or not? Harry, It's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me. Not Hermione. Not even Lucinda. But you, Harry." Ron said.

"Hey! I think I could take on the stone theif. Don't you ever think otherwise!" I shouted. "But he's also right. You are the one that needs to go on. It wouldn't be the same if we did it." I concluded.

Harry nodded his head and that was all Ron needed to move ahead with his plan.

"Knight to H-3." He ordered. The night moved to its spot and time paused for a moment. Ron gulped, obviously scared out of his wits. "Check." He said.

The queen turned to him and moved. The anticipation was a killer in itself. Last minute I turned away from the sight and heard the gingers scream. I then heard Harry yell for Ron. I looked back to Ron to see him unconscious on the floor. I gasped in shock and saw Hermione attempt to move out of the corner of my eye.

"No! Don't move. Remember, were still playing." Harry told her. She stepped back in her place. I then looked to Harry.

"Your turn, Harry." I said emotionless. I wasn't friends with these people but why do I feel for them. Luckily I could tell that Ron was still alive but I still wanted to check on him.

Harry moved. "Checkmate." He said quietly. The king's sword fell, a sign that we won.

The three of us ran to Ron. "Take care of Ron. Ron was right, I have to go on." Harry told us. I looked at Hermione then back to Harry.

"I'm coming with you. Hermione is smart, she can get him out herself. You're going to need backup when you face Volde- I mean He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Hermione, when you get up there send an owler to Dumbledore, it's important he gets back here." I said. Harry shrugged, he knew I couldn't be swayed.

"You'll be okay Harry. You're a great wizard, you really are. And Lucinda, you're-you-you better take care of him." Hermione said. I didn't expect her to even say anything to me but I did notice her stumble over her words. I nodded my head and got up to get ready to leave.

"Not as good as you." Harry said to Hermione.

"Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things. Like friendship and bravery. Harry, just be careful." Hermione said. He nodded his head and took another look at his unconscious best friend.

"I don't like to interrupt you two, but right now the important thing is catching the bad guy." I said to them.

"Right." Harry confirmed getting up. We ran through the door to the next obstacle.

Riddle Me This: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now