Chapter 13

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"It's a shame they let the old punishments die. Was a time detention mean't hanging by your toes in the dungeon, God I miss the screamin'." Filch creepily informed us. Maybe that guy can be a bit scary.

He escorted us to Hagrids hut for detention. When we got there Hagrid was sulking.

"A sorry lot, we've got 'ere, Hagrid." Filch said pointing at us.
"Oh, good God man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon of yours, are ya?" Filch asked.

"Norbert's gone. Dumbledore took 'im off ter Romania, ter live in a colony." Hagrid informed sadly. It took me a second to realize Norbert was the baby dragon I saw.

"I told you we shouldn't have done that, Malfoy. Now the cute little dragon's gone." I crossed my arms at the boy. He rolled his eyes.

"Who cares, Lucy. This wasn't about no bloody dragon. It's not my fault he was even here in the first place. The slob knew the consequences of having a dragon." Malfoy whispered to me.

"Well, that's good, isn't it. He'll be with his own kind." Hermione tried to cheer him up.

"Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to 'im? He's only a baby after all." Hagrid said.

"Don't worry, Hagrid. Everybody likes babies, I bet he'll be fine." I tried to cheer him up. "Well, everyone except you, Draco." I shot a look at the boy. At this point I was just being petty to be petty. I wasn't just going to let him off the hook too easily.

"Oh, for gods sake, pull yourself together man. You're going into the forest now, after all. Got to have your wits about you." Filch said.

"The forest?! I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. It's Forbidden!" Draco screached.

"Shut it Draco. It's not so bad." I said.

"Lucinda... Students aren't allowed... And there is werewolves." Draco quivered.

"And ghosts and vampires too." I said sarcastically pouting.

"There's alot more in them trees lad. You can be sure of that. Night night." Filch then walked off.

"Righ' then. Let's go." Hagrid said waving us to follow.

We walked pretty deep in. Harry was asking Hagrid questions. Ron and Hermione not far behind while I walked in between them and Draco. I searched the woods to try and see if I could see any creatures.

"It would serve you best if you left now, Riddle. Alot of the creatures in this forest would love to have your head." I remembered the centaurs words as I watched closely. If he was right then I better watch myself.

We stopped upon a silvery substance. "Hagrid? What is that?" Hermione asked as Hagrid dipped two fingers in.

"Tha' ther' Hermione is wha' we're 'ere fer." He said.

I examined the puddle and gasped. "It's unicorn blood, right Hagrid. I-I I've seen this, it has to be.." I looked up at the big man.

"Blimey, yer correct Lucinda. How'd ye know tha'?" He asked.

I panicked for a second. "Umm, a textbook. I was reading up on unicorns." I lied.

"Anyway, I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's bin hurt badly by somethin..." Hagrid said.

"Harry, yeh'll go with Riddle an' Malfoy. An' the rest you'll be wit' me." Hagrid said. I shook my head knowing the headache I'm in for.

"Ok then. I get Fang." Draco told Hagrid.

"Fine. Just so yeh know, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid said, making Fang whine.

I petted the dog. "It's ok Fang, I bet we'll be just fine." I cooed.

We parted from the group and set out on our task.

"Just wait til my father hears of this. This is servant stuff!" Draco cried.

"Oh, Draco. This is your fault we're even in this mess." I rolled my eyes at him.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're scared." Harry said. I giggled and kept moving.

"I'm not scared." Draco snapped.

We got to another fork in the road. "You three go that way, I'll go this way." I said pointing at a smoother path.

"Alone?!" Harry asked shocked.

"That's ok with me, as long as I get Fang. You can take Potter with you, though." Draco said.

"Yep, alone. Nope, I'm not taking Harry. I know my way around already. I'll be fine." I claimed. What I didn't say was that something was following us and I think it will follow me. I'd been noticing shadows and noises like something wasn't too far away.

I walked on my path without a noise being heard. Maybe I was wrong and Draco or Harry are the targets.

"Young Riddle. Hurry, your friend is in danger." The black haired centaur came rushing to me.

"Apollo. Is Draco okay? I knew I shouldn't have left him." I spun around to run back the direction I came from.

"No. Not young Draco, but Harry. Harry Potter is in danger. Hurry now, on my back, we don't have any time to lose." He said helping me up. The wind felt colder as we whipped through the trees.

"I thought you were told not to come back here, Lucinda. It is dangerous for all of you." He said.

"I know. I got in trouble. This was the consequences." I yelled back.

"Not much of one for you. You enjoy this place too much." He said.

A cloaked back figure flew at us until it disappeared. "Lucinda." I screamed in response as a pain filled my chest and head.

"W-was that.." I stuttered.

"Yes it was. Unicorn blood has a healing component able to keep him alive though it has its own consequences. I'll let you in on a little secret. Something else with that same ability would be the Philosophers Stone. Why would he be around here if he didn't know the stone was close?" Apollo asked.

"I don't know. I've checked the entire castle, there's no way some healing stone is in there." I said as we came to a halt. I quickly got off his back as the other centaurs watched above. One was talking to Harry in the same clearing me and Apollo were in.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled as the others joined us. I walked up to the shaking Malfoy.

"Scared now?" I asked jokingly.

"You didn't see it. It was horrifying." He said.

"I did see him. You're right about the horrifying part though." I said remembering the feeling. It was like my heart was being ripped out of my body.

"'Ello there Firenze, Apollo. I see yeh've met our young Mr. Potter an' Mrs. Riddle. Yeh alrigh' there Harry an' Lucinda?" Hagrid asked.

Firenze looked to me. "Yes, young Mrs. Riddle I've met before." He said.

Hagrid and the others looked at me in shock.

"So what? I came here once ok." Actually many times but that wasn't the point.

Apollo nodded his head in acknowledgement to Harry. "I'm afraid this is where we leave you. Never fear, you're safe now. Good luck." Apollo said turning back to the centaurs with Firenze.

"We better get back. C'mon now, follow meh." Hagrid said, leading the way out.

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