Chapter 6

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I ran to class. First period was Potions with professor Snape. I walked in only three minutes late. "You're late Mrs. Riddle." Snape lectured. "My apologies professor, I wasn't feeling well this morning." I lied walking to a seat with my stuff in it. It was right next to Blaise who gave me smile. "It won't happen again." I said. Snape just watched me sit down. "Better not, but ten points will still be deducted from Slytherin house due to your actions." He said and went back to teaching the lesson. He would do that to his own house. "Where were you? Parkinson went looking and came back saying you weren't anywhere." Blaise whispered. "Don't worry about it." I said paying attention to what the professor was saying.

It had been a week after the first day at Hogwarts. Today was when first years were starting their flying lessons. My lunch consisted of a turkey leg and some beans. Soon we heard the sounds of owls screeching and mail flying down. I watched as an old black owl, Azelwatch, let go of a letter, letting it fly down to me. Azelwatch was my father's, he never used him, just fed him and sometimes talked to him. Looking at the envelope I saw it was from my sister. I quickly tore it open to see how she had been. On the inside revealed everything she had been wanting to tell me.

Dear sister,
You would be pleased to know that my studies are going well. I know I'm still young but I hope to be able to produce magic soon. Father doesn't drink as often but now him and Bella go out often to meet with friends. It's quite annoying since that leaves me with taking care of the house. Sorry that he didn't tell me to write anything on his behalf. I miss you and hope to see you soon.
Love, Callie

I closed the note back. I wished that me coming here would make my father realize that he only has so much time with his daughters. Instead he's going out to see other people. Which also makes me happy, maybe these friends can convince him to get a job and get better. At that the bell rang and I went to Potions.

After my morning classes and lunch I finally had flying. Draco was in this class with me too, but so was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Not that I had something against the boys just Harry and Ron got on Draco's bad side recently, but Hermione, I had a big issue with that mudblood know-it-all can't keep her trap shut girl. Not that I have anything against muggleborns. My father does though and I had to listen to that all the way to the station last time I was with him. He told me that half-bloods and muggleborns did not make for good friends and to stick with purebreds. I didn't understand why he would say something like that since I'm a half-breed and I thought I was a great person to be around. Oddly, enough he also told me not to talk about my blood status. I didn't know anyone's blood status except Hermione but that's because everyone knows hers.

We all stood next to a broom when Madame Hooch got there. "Good afternoon class." She greeted. "Good afternoon Madame Hooch." We all simutaniously greeted back. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well everyone step forward to the left of your broomstick. Come on hurry up." She instructed. I followed her instructions quickly. The quicker I learn, the better I will be. The better I am, the better life I'll have. "Next you need to stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'." Hooch instructed. I stood in front of Harry and saw his go up the first time, slowly everyone else's were going up. I put my hand over the broom and whispered "up". All of a sudden mine and the two brooms next to mine went up. I guess they got there's too. I looked over to Madame Hooch and saw a flash of surprise and horror across her face. Why are all the teachers so nervous and scared around me? "O-once you have your broom mount it, and keep a hold of it tightly, we don't need anyone sliding off. When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off the ground hard. Hover for a moment, lean forward slightly, then touch back on the ground. Ready." Her whistle blew. I immediately kicked off I hovered but was wobbling a lot. Neville on the other hand got to nervous and went into the air in uncontrollably. We all watched as Madame Hooch told him to get back down. He flew and careened into the school wall before coming back down and right for us. I quickly got back down and ran out of the way. I watched as the Gryffindor flew back up and got caught on a statue. His broom left his hands and careened straight to the forbidden forest. Everyone crowded around screaming. Then Neville's robe tore and he plummeted to the ground. I tried to jump out of the way but soon I felt a pain in my leg. "Ow!" We both screamed.

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