The Elements

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The elements are really important in witchcraft for different reasons and they can be used differently. One of the main uses I consider using the elements for is calling upon them for protection of fire, earth, water, and air instead of casting a circle which is another way of protecting your space.


The Characteristics of the earth are security, grounding, practical, self-sufficient, stableness, and productiveness.

The Zodiac that is associated with the earth is Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Earths direction is North

Its tarot is the Pentacles

Its moon is the New Moon

Its color is green


The Characteristics of water are intuition, inwardness, feelings, emotion, perception, sensitivity, and passiveness.

The Zodiac that is associated with water is Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Waters Direction is west.

Its Tarot is the cups.

The Moon is the waning moon.

Its color is blue.


The characteristics of fire are Creativity, outgoingness, passion, inspiration, innovation.

The Zodiac of fire is Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.

The direction of fire in the south.

The tarot is the wands.

The moon is the full moon

Its color is red


The characteristics of air are Intellect, ideals, communication, expression, logic, and discernment.

The Zodiac of air is Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

The direction of the air is east.

The tarot is the swords.

The moon is the waxing moon.

Its color is yellow.

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