Karen x Gretchen

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Just Mean
Karen's POV

I am not smart. Never have been. Probably never will be.

This used to hurt me. A lot. Before I met her, I suffered from depression and teasing about my dumbness. It hurt.

But then she came along. With her wavy, brown hair and tan skin, I knew she was something different. She came up to me and sat next to me. People laughed.

"They're just mean." She said, and she began to eat her cheese fries.

Things have changed since Regina arrived. She took us on board and we rose to power. But me and her knew that deep down this wasn't who we were, or who we wanted to be.

Then in came Cady, with her unknowing of the modern, American world and her elephant-riding ass, and she got put under Regina's spell too. But me and her saw Cady as something different; an opportunity. An opportunity for an escape, back to civilian life.

It all went downhill from there. Regina scared us, so I began to reach out to her for comfort. I grabbed her hand in fear as Regina shot daggers at us walking down the halls.

"She's just mean." She would whisper reassuringly as I hid my head so as not to meet the Apex Predators gaze.

Then the blonde got hit by a bus, and it all came crashing back to us like a tsunami hitting the shore; we are all only human.

After Spring Fling, things changed. Like, REALLY changed. A month after the dance, I found myself making out with her on her bed. We started dating after that.

She proposed to me at a pride festival 5 years later, when we were 21. The homophobic people watched us and booed as I accepted her offer. As she slipped the ring in my finger, she leaned in and wiped the tears off my cheeks. Then she kissed me

"YOURE GOING TO HELL!" One of the protesters yelled. She leaned to me ear and whispered:

"They're just mean."

She is Gretchen Weiners-Smith. She is my wife. She is the love of my goddamn life.

Right, I hate this, but here you go, have this trash.

Published 20th May 2020, 00:43
Words: 381

^ also I should probably sleep-

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