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corinna: morning sexy

Madison: wasn't expecting you to come back 😂 good morning to you

corinna: I told you I never give up

corinna: how was your sleep?

Madison: i slept well I'm about to go workout

Madison: how was yours?

corinna: I slept good....but I'll feel better if you send pics :p

Madison: I'm not sending you nudes

corinna: what makes you think i want nudes?

Madison: you asked me to send nudes like three times last night

corinna: that was night owl corinna

corinna: morning bird corinna wants to see your pretty face :(

Madison: alright fine but you have to send one back also!

corinna: deal

Madison: sent at 10:24 am

Madison: sent at 10:24 am

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

corinna: 😍😍😍😍😍😍

corinna: you are seriously so perfect

Madison: I'm nowhere near!

corinna: na you can seriously punch me in the face and I will say thank you so much

Madison: I can't even hurt a fly 😂

Madison: anyways, ur turn to send a pic!

corinna: oh u wanna see my boobs??

seen at 10:35 am

corinna: I was only joking goshhh

corinna: sent at 10:38 am

Madison: I might regret saying this but 🤤

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Madison: I might regret saying this but 🤤

corinna: hehe I got u horny

Madison: you are seriously so annoying

corinna: well deal with it because I'm not gonna stop until you're mine :)

Madison: you got a long way to go

corinna: I don't mind the wait 😛

Madison: it's gonna be a longggg wait

corinna: whenever you ready shorty

Madison: lol ew fuck boys only say that

corinna: did you just call me a fuck boy??

Madison: are u blind?

corinna: a little insulted u would call me that tbh

Madison: well u flirt with me 24/7 and only ask for nudes

corinna: that's not true!

Madison: YES IT IS.

corinna: I am not trying to be like a fuck boy and I don't just want your nudes.I truly want to get to know you and hopefully take you out to dinner one day :)

Madison: well we have to get to know each other first before we take a step further.

corinna: like what I said before,I don't mind the wait :)

Madison: good to hear then

corinna: absolutely!

corinna: anyways,nudes?

Seen at 10:50 am

corinna: I'll try again later :/

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