Chapter 24

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* Ariel's P.O.V *

"Babe, the car is here to pick us up." Brandon yelled from the bedroom. I was in the bathroom, finishing my makeup. "I'm coming!" I yelled. I finally finished my makeup and grabbed baby P's pacifier off the sink, then sprayed my face with some setting spray. "I'm ready." I say, grabbing my fanny pack.
Brandon and I decided to take baby P on a vacation to Hawaii. We were staying here for 5 days and today was our first day. Now, we were going to the zoo which was outside of our resort. I was dressed cute, wearing an orange sundress that stopped at the knees and a pair of Chanel sneakers. My hair was in a bun, my signature hairstyle. Brandon was dressed in a graphic t-shirt, green cargo shorts, and a pair of vans. He also had on a had.
"Aww, she's so cute! What's her name?" A slightly older white woman asked me. "Penelope." I say to her. "Hi, Penelope! Aww, how old is she?" The woman questioned. "She just turned 1 last month." I said, holding my baby tight. Don't get me wrong, this woman seemed very nice. But you can't just let anybody around your kids, you feel me? She was standing a little too close for my liking. I was a little uncomfortable and Brandon could tell that I was, just by the look on my face. So, he stood right behind baby P and I.
We were back at the resort in the blink of an eye. Penelope was asleep in my arms. My baby girl was not feeling the zoo at all. She had a miserable time, it was hot, and she threw up and shit at one time. It was a mess. She fell asleep on our way back to the hotel.
"I think next time we should just wait til she's older." Brandon suggested. I nodded and rubbed baby P's forehead. "Yeah, my poor baby." I said. We were walking to our room. Brandon swiped the key and opened the held the door open so that I could walk in first. "Thank you, babe." I said to him, walking in.

* Ana's P.O.V *

"Mateo, you are so cute. I can't take it!" I say, admiring the beautiful creation Mario and I went half on. "I mean, he looks like me, babe. What did you expect?" Mario says, walking in the room. He handed me the bottle of lotion I asked him to get me. "You're such a nut. Thank you, baby." I said. I warmed the lotion up in my hands before putting it on my son.
It was around 7:30 and I had just finished giving Mateo a bath. You know it's really crazy that I'm somebody's mommy now! I still can't believe it. Everyday that I wake up, I'm amazed that a little human being came out of me. The female body is amazing.
I gave birth to Mateo Sebastian Chavez February 20th, 2021. He weighed a healthy 7 pounds and 6 ounces. My baby had a head full of hair at birth and I swear his hair grows more everyday. Mateo absolutely does look like Mario and it upsets me. Imagine giving birth to a baby for him to look nothing like you. Disrespectful.
My phone rang. "Look, Mateo. Your Titi Ari wants to FaceTime." I say, kissing my 4 month old. I answered on the second ring. "Oh, my God look at him! He's so yummy, hi papa!!" Ariel says. "Say hi to Titi Ari, Mateo!" I said. "He so handsome. He looks so much like Mario, dude!" Ariel says. I roll my eyes. Mario laughs in the back. "I'm tired of people saying that." I complained. "I mean he does! It's not a bad thing." My sister says. "It is when you gave birth to him." I whined. "Listen, if it makes you feel any better, P looks just like Brandon." Ari tells me. I sighed and kissed Mateo's chunky cheeks. "That does make me feel a little better. What is it with babies and their daddies?" I said. "Mario must've gotten on your last nerve your entire pregnancy." Ari says. I look back at my fiancé who's turning on his PlayStation. "I'd say 99%." I say.
"Who is this tryna follow my Instagram?" I said, scrolling through my page. I clicked on the account that was requesting to follow my private account. When I saw the picture, I knew who it was immediately. "Babe, tell me why Leire is tryna follow my instagram." I say, holding a sleeping Mateo. Mario was too focused on Fortnite. This nosy ass bitch made a new account after I blocked her other one. She was so pressed. "What did you say, babe?" Mario asked. "Never mind." I said, declining the request. I texted Ari, telling her that Leire tried to follow my instagram from a different account. That hoe was t slick. I haven't talked to her or seen her since she showed up at my gender reveal uninvited all buddy buddy with my mother. The fucking nerve.
The next morning, I woke up early cause I heard Mateo crying. I didn't even bother trying to go back to sleep because it was pointless. When you're a new mom, there is no such thing as sleep. It's a foreign language.
Anyway, I was up with Mateo while Mario was in the kitchen, making breakfast. I think it was sweet that he wanted to learn how to cook. Mario stayed up all night last week watching cooking videos on YouTube. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. He was so pure and I couldn't take it.
"Babe, I'm so proud of you!" I said to Mario. He smiled sweetly. "Thank you, baby." He says. "Normally when somebody cooks for me for the first time, it's disgusting." I admit. A few ex boyfriends from the past have cooked for me and each and every time, I was disappointed.
"Have a good day, baby. I love you." I say, hugging my man. Mario was on his way out the door. He had to go into work today. I missed him already and he didn't even leave yet. "I love you, more mama. I'll be home around 2 pm." He tells me. "Okay, my love. Call me when you get to work safe." I said. "I will." I assured me.
Mateo and I were on the way home from taking a nice little walk. It was a beautiful day out. Everything was all good until we got home. I saw a white car outside of our house. That same problematic ass car. "You have got to be kidding me!" I said out loud. I was way too tired to be dealing with this shit today.
"What are you doing here?" I said to my mother. She had been sitting outside my house for Lord knows how long. My mom turned around to look at me. "Aw, is that my grandson?" She says, making her way towards Mateo's stroller. "Don't come near my son. Why. Are. You. Here?!?" I demanded, making sure not to wake my child up.
"Baby, what happened?" Mario asked as soon as he answered the FaceTime call. He immediately knew something was wrong. I was crying horribly. "She came to the house, Mario!" I cried. "Who came to the house? Your mother?" He pressed. "I don't even know how she got our address." I said, crying some more. I was filled with so many emotions.
Even though Mateo was 4 months old, I still have been struggling with me weight and my emotions. I'm not gonna lie to you, I've been feeling super depressed. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby boy and he changed my life for the better. But I've definitely been feeling like caca a lot lately. So getting an unpleasant visit from my mom didn't make things any better.
"Baby, why didn't you call me? I would've came straight home!" Mario says to me. "You were working and I didn't wanna bother you with my nonsense." I tell my fiancé. "Ana, listen to me. You and Mateo are my priority. Do you hear me?" Mario says to me. I smiled. "I just didn't wanna bother you, babe. You were busy." "You're the mother of my child and the love of my life. You will never bother me. It's my job to protect you and Mateo. I'm never too busy for y'all." Mario tells me.
I was beyond thankful for Mario. He was exactly what I needed. God knew what he was doing when he sent me Mario. This man was my pride and joy. Because of him, I knew what real love was.

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