Chapter 9

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* Gia's P.O.V *

- April 2020 -

"You look so good, man!" August says, looking me up and down. I sat back in my pool chair and tried to hide the smile threatening to creep across my lips. "Thank you,baby!" I said, clearly flattered. I was rocking a very cranky baby Nala to sleep. She hadn't had a nap all day and this heat wasn't helping at all. My poor baby.
It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon. August and I had decided to take the girls to Hurricane Harbor for a fun day in the sun. My baby girl Sky is growing more everyday. She's so smart and speaks so well. Our baby Nala is only 3 months old, but she's so chunky and cute. Princess Nala was born January 13th,2020 at 6:55 AM. She weighed a healthy 6 pounds and 3 ounces. I'm so in love with her. She was born with a head full of curly hair.
We were sitting by the wave pool, and Nala just wasn't having it. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. "I know exactly what you want, mama." I said, putting a blanket over myself so that I can breastfeed my baby. "She want that titty milk!" August said. Sky was drinking a juice box, completely unaware of what was going on. As soon as I started feeding Nala, she stopped crying. I let out a sigh of relief. "There we go." I said. "That's disgusting!" I hear somebody say. I turn to my right and see a white woman staring at me in disgust. "Excuse me?" I said. "There are children here and you have the audacity to whip out your breasts? Go home and do that!" She complained. "First of all, I'm feeding my baby. I'm not running around showing everybody my titties. If my baby's hungry, then I'm gonna do what I have to do to feed her. I don't care where I am nor do I care about what people like you think. If you don't like it, how about you mind your damn business?!" I snapped. Susan huffed and puffed. "I'm gonna go get the life guard." She threatened. August got involved. "Woah, woah, woah. You gonna get the life guard for what? My wife ain't bothering nobody. She literally just told you she was feeding our baby. The hell he gonna do? Kick us out?" He said. "That's what I'm hoping." Becky Sue says. I rolled my eyes and continued to feed my baby. "Go ahead and get him. I dare you." I said. "I most definitely will!" She says, getting up from her chair. "I'm so ready to leave, August." I tell my husband. "No, we not about to let this privileged white woman win. We staying." He says to me. I take a deep breath.
Susan comes back with the male life guard. "Is there an issue here?" The man asked. "There's absolutely no issue. I'm minding my business, feeding my child." I said. The life guard looked like he was over it just as much as I was. "Okay, I completely understand. Ma'am, this woman isn't bothering anybody. She's feeding a baby." He says to the white woman. She sucked her teeth and folds her arms. "She was bothering me!" Was all she could say. "You mean to tell me you've never been around a woman breast feeding a baby?" The life guard questioned the woman. "I have but she's doing it out in the open! In front of all these people. Nobody wants to see that!" She complained. "My entire breast is covered but okay." I said. I was over it. "Right. Ma'am if you have an issue with her feeding her child, then you can leave." He says. The life guard turns to me. "I'm so sorry, miss. Enjoy the rest of your day." He says. I smiled. I was so relieved at how nice he was. "Thank you so much!" I said. Then, he walked away. Susan gathered all of her belongings in a hurry and left. Both August and I busted out laughing. "She really thought she was gonna get us kicked out! The nerve!" I said, checking on my chunky baby. Nala was on her way to sleep. "That's exactly what she get. Her privilege ain't work today!" August says. I sigh loudly. "That whole situation made me so anxious." I admitted. I look over at Sky who is now on her iPad. Was this child on her iPad the entire time? "You okay, mama?" I said to her. She looked up at me, smiled, and nodded. "I'm fine, mommy!" She says.
We're putting everything in the car, getting ready to go home at this point. I strapped both my girls in their car seats. Nala was asleep and so was Sky. We were literally at the water park all day. Everybody was tired from that pool water. This nap on the way home was about to be A1. As soon as I made sure both my babies were safely buckled in, I shut their door and got in the passenger seat.
Before I knew it, we were in our driveway. When I tell y'all August is the world's fastest driver, I put that on everything I love. Me, Nala, and Sky we're knocked out the entire drive home. Anyway, I got out of the car, and was going to grab my belongings. "Don't worry about it, baby I got that. You Nala. I got Sky and everything else." August tells me. I rubbed his chin and then kissed him. "I love you, baby!" I said to him. "I love you, more." He tells me. I smiled and got baby Nala's car seat. I really loved my life.
"Alright both kids are out of their wet swimsuits, and in their pajamas." I said, getting undressed to take a shower. I hopped in the shower and was in there for about 20 minutes. Finally, I got out and dried my body off. Once I was dry, I put on my robe and made my way to the bedroom. When I got in there, August was fast asleep. I checked the time on my phone and it was already damn near 10 pm. I kissed my husband on the forehead and got into bed. Other than dealing with Hurricane Harbor Heather, today was a great day. The kids had fun, I was with my family, we were happy. And that's all that matters.

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