Chapter 4: Morning Meeting of Motivation

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"So... time travel? I don't know, it sounds pretty far fetched.", said Sunset.

"I mean, let me put it this way, as crazy as it sounds, time travel might be our only option to bring everyone back.", said Julianny with a rebuttle.

"But I don't think anybody has been able to travel through time before, it might... be impossible.", everyone soon began to think that there was no absolute point in trying Midoriya's plan. He looked at Julianny with dismay, and saw her... smiling, "impossible you say?"

The Guardians looked at her in confusion, "what do you get when you separate the 'I' and My from the word?", 'possible, obviously', "now put an apostrophe over the two letters.", 'I'm possible'. Ryota asked shyly, "is it 'I'm possible', Julie?"

"*Smiles warmly* Correct. Like every word, it has a hidden meaning. It's like life, it's always impossible, but if you guys are wondering how you are in the first place... it's because you passed every obstacle life had thrown at you. Why? It was because you made it possible.

Sarah, Devin, and the others had always thought their dear friend was known for sense of motivation and ambition, but this was turning into a sentimental moment.

"I'm not one for sentimental moments like this, but I think Julianny has a point. This team right here is just as impossible and unpredictable as it gets when we are together in the same room.", Devin broke the silence with his words, "it's not like you guys would back down from a fight that hasn't even started yet, right?"

"I stand by what Devin said.", Julianny's friends saw the person who has saved two worlds, including themselves; it was the person that had the strength of the universe on her side. It was Julianny who shared that with those dear to her. Evelynn, Devin, Rorey, Bianca, Ethen, Kai, Michael, Stephen, K.C., Thomas, Romance, Helena, Brayden, Harleigh, Niko, Ash, Joshua, Rian, Curien, and Kamyia all carried parts of her strength, and just... made it their own.

"Are we going to carry out this mission, or not?", asked Ash, "because me and Rian are in."

"It's worth a try, count me in.", added Steven.

"We saved two worlds at the same time before, now, it's time to push ourselves and save the universe.", Bianca.

"*Chuckles* Well said, Eevee.", smiled Julianny. Minutes turned into hours while Midoriya was explaining the plan. First, they had to build a time machine that allows them to go into different time frames at the same time; second, follow the rules of time travel; third, find all six Infinity Stones; lastly, get home and choose someone to snap everyone back.

"But just to add to the meeting before it's 'GO Time'," warned Julianny, "try not to make contact with anybody from the past."

"Just one question. Where are the Infinity Stones?", asked Tsuyu.

"Don't ask how I know but the Space and Time Stones are both in New York, down town Manhattan. The Reality Stone is in Knowhere. The Soul Stone is in the planet Vormir. The Mind Stone is the Chitauri Scepter. Last but not least, the Power Stone is in Morag inside a vault.", Julianny had stated all the locations that the stones were in. Now, all they had to do was build the machine, carry on the mission. And give it their all.

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