Chapter 11: Pt. 2 - Travelling through space and time

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With Midoriya's group inside of Avengers' Tower, they have devised a plan secretly to get the Space Stone safely.

"Thomas, you're me.", said Midoriya. Thomas shrunk and jumped onto his shoulder, "lead they way, chief!"

The rest of the team stood and waited quietly in their position.

"'Kay, let's do this!", Uraraka whispered into her mic. Midoriya and Thomas went to the top of the tower as fast as possible without being spotted.

"*static* We made it to the top floor. Julianny, you copy?", reported Thomas, "*static* Loud and clear, buddy. Listen closely, Niko will guide you to the Stone."

"Midoriya, make sure to stay low. Okay, go 30 feet the hall you're in, after that turn right and go all the way down that hall. Now, you'll be in the west wing, go forward. While you're in that hall, go to the tenth door on your right. You'll soon see people carrying a small case that has the tesseract, or a.k.a. the Space Stone."

Before they entered the room, there was a padlock.

"Hey, TJ, you think you can go into the lock?", Midoriya asked, "can do.", he responded.

Thomas jumped off Midoriya's shoulder and onto the door knob. After ten short minutes of working the lock, Thomas was able to unlock it from inside out. Midoriya quietly opened the door, he hid behind a small wall. Thomas ran to his friend and climbed up the wall and chuckled, "who'd actually thought the Super Solider was real? Here's something that probably Ant-Man would say: 'not to offend or put him down, but, good sir! Both All Might and Cap have America's ass!"

"*chuckles* I won't tell All Might you said that, but let's try not to get our minds off of the Stone.", Thomas nodded, "See if you can get me closer."

Midoriya grabbed the shrunken boy into his hands and carefully tossed him towards the ledge of a nearby table. Thomas anticipated his jump and landed onto the briefcase that stored the Space Stone.

"Look alive, team. Target's coming your way.", said Midoriya.

Daigo took a smoke grenade into his hand and threw it down the corridor. Once the grenade set off, the members of Hydra and Captain America were starting to fight. Thomas grew and made a run for it. After speeding down two flights of stairs, Uraraka touches the case and Thomas to help them get close to Rarity to make their escape. Shu notified HQ that they're going to be returning with the Stones.

"Come on! Quickly!", Rarity used her diamond shields and formed a slide.

"Devin, this is T.J. Come in!", Thomas and his team ran out of the tower in a hurry, "T.J.! Send me your location, and I'll be there."

Devin told his friends that he had to go pick up Midoriya's squad, as soon as T.J. sent his friend his location, Devin used his Quirk to teleport them to safety.

"Think it's about time we bring these Stones home.", Shu said while trying to catch his breath. Everyone nodded in agreement.

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