Chapter 10: Rating Game

Start from the beginning

Mordred: She'd do anything for her special pawn

Issei then started to cry tears of happiness as he was imagining something

Koneko: Dude your such a loser

Issei: Huh?! I thought you'd be proud, nice job you totally took out the Rook chick

Issei and Koneko suddenly run out of the gym as we see it get blown to smithereens by yellow lightning

Mordred: Huh so you did make her lightning stronger

Grayfia: Three of Lord Riser's pawns and one of Lord Riser's Rooks retired

Mordred: Her lightning might be a contestant to your thunder Y/n

Y/n: My thunder is so much stronger please Rayquaza is literally one of the dragons from the weather trio how can I not have stronger lightning

Rayquaza: {Your faith in me is going to make me cry}

Tsubaki: I'm impressed Rias used an important position to lure them into a trap and then boom

Sona: Your right but now Lord Riser has no choice but to unleash everything

Mordred: I think it'd be better to go in head first and defeat anything you see

Y/n: Not everyone is like you sis

Mordred: Element of surprise is so boring though!

Issei was about to touch Koneko but we see her move away as she then starts walking from him, Issei was about to run after her when Koneko suddenly got bombed

Issei: Koneko! Damn you whoever you are!

Koneko: I'm sorry... I just wanted to serve Rias well

Issei: Hang on we'll get you to Asia and she'll heal you up

Koneko starts to shout as she then glows and disappears

Grayfia: One of Lady Rias's rooks retired

Issei: Dammit you killed Koneko! Get down here and see how you do against me!

Yubelluna: Just give up, you won't win, you can't win

Akeno: Well this is exciting

Akeno floats between the two devils

Issei: Akeno...

Akeno: Issei I can take care of this trash, you go on ahead okay oh and don't worry I'll make sure she pays

Yubelluna: Make me pay how exciting

Akeno: I'll be fine Issei just go

Issei: Whatever you say just get her!

Issei runs off leaving Akeno and Yubelluna alone

Yubelluna: I've been wanting to fight you for what seems like ages Priestess of Thunder

Akeno: Oh have you that's sweet but the pleasure is truly mine Bomb Queen

Grayfia: Three of Lord Riser's Pawns retired

Sona: Currently Riser has the advantage with 9 pieces whilst Rias only has 5 they cannot afford to get careless

Y/n: Man if only I knew this was going on I would've joined Rias's peerage just to beat Riser up

Mordred: How would you leave her peerage without being declared a stray?

Y/n: Simple I'll get dick wizard to help me

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