Chapter 6: Interest

Start from the beginning

I just took a pen, paper and a notebook for myself. I looked at the notebook. It looks like a diary. Heh, I remember dad's student back then. I forgot his name but they were hella rich and I knew that day I was gay. At the age of 5? Yeah. I liked him yet I forgot his face. Whatever! I paid for it and saw the extras buying their own supplies.

We ate pizzas, courtesy of their idea of eating unhealthy ass food. I got home and as usual a greetings from my mother. "Welcome back katsuki! How was your day?" She asked. "Fuckin' exhausting" I said annoyed. "Don't curse in this household Katsuki bakugou" she yelled. "I got it! Stop using my whole damn name!" I yell as I got up the stairs.

I enter my slightly messy room but not disgusting. I plop on my bed and groaned. "Katsuki! Help me out with dinner!" The hag yelled. "Fine" I then groaned. I changed into a new attire, Black jeans, a black and white striped shirt and a green polo that was draped on my frame and unbuttoned.

I head down and she handed me a hundred yen. "Buy me whatever's on this list, you can have the change if you want" she said. "Sweet!" I say like a kid. I wore my shoes and headed to the mall again. The malls were close to the market area. There were also hospitals and schools there but my school is top of the line!

I crossed a pedestrian lane and was about to cross another one when the lights fucking turned green, signaling for the cars to go. "Damn it!" I mutter.
People gave me stares. I stare back and they immediately felt uncomfortable. "Doesn't feel good, ain't it?" I exclaimed to them and they went back to their businesses.

I went to the market and shopped for potatoes, some vegetables, porkchop slices and some flour and sugar. What is this woman making? I bought the shit she listed and walked back to the pedestrian lane but guess what!? It's fucking on green again. I sat at a bench near it and out my head on the support. My head went low and I saw a park. I stood up and saw a swing.

I sat on it and saw a bunch of kids playing. Some people with white lab coats were accompanying them. They're probably from the hospital. I looked at the doors and there I saw a familiar half red and white haired male. "Todoroki?" I whisper to myself. He had a white paper bag and his bag strapped onto him. The white paper bag contained the flowers from earlier.

I saw him wipe away a tear. He crossed the street and looked at the children. He stopped walking and looked down. Why does he do that? Soon he started to tear up. What happened to him? He was caught off guard when a kid right infront of him tripped. She got a graze and I stood up.

I wanted to help the kid but shoto beat me to it. Did I calm him shoto? The fuck am I doing? I looked down and I saw how he comforted the girl. He had a soft look and soothed her in no time. The doctors went up to him and at first the doctor thought he was some predator.

"Oi, get away from her!" The female doctor yelled. She soon called the other doctors until the girl said "Stop! He didn't do anything wrong! He just helped me 'cause I tripped" the girl said. Shoto said "Okay, do you want me to heal your wound?" He asked. "Yeah it really hurts" the girl said looking down and playing with her thumbs.

The girl was really cute. She had plump cheeks and the snowy white skin tone. Her teeth were incomeplete and she had one dimple on her cheeks. "Okay, close your eyes and count to 5" shoto said. "1... 2....." shoto used his left hand on her graze which was on her right shin. The wounds healed and got cleaned up at the same time... is that what he did to my fist? I look at my hand and rubbed it. The scar was there but wasn't as visible.

"3.......4......5!" She emphasized the five and looked down. She stood tall and jumped a few times. "Wow, mister your quirk is really cool!" She said. "I wanna be a doctor now, I wanna help people too!" She said talking to the other female doctor. She smiled at shoto and he smiled back. Aww, he's really sweet. Shoto then sighed and thanked the girl. "Thanks for your statement, here" he said and handed the girl a blue rose.

Shoto then faced the female doctor and said "Before you judge me, why don't you do your jobs correctly? She was all alone, got injured and anyone could've got to her. If you don't supervise these children correctly....they might get hurt. Try to show good morals and inspire people... maybe that way people won't turn to villains. " he said. I gasped. Damn. He has a sharp tongue and the correct cards to play.

"S-sorry sir" the female doctor said. "Aren't you endeavor's son?" The other doctor asked. I saw shot- TODOROKI grit his teeth. Why did he do that? "S-sorry again. I didn't mean to offend the son of endeavor" the female said. Shoto sighed and looked at them "Treat everyone equally, just because I'm the son of the number 2 hero doesn't mean I'm the only one that deserves respect" and stood up and continued walking.

He soon realized that I was there looking at him. He noticed me yet didn't talk. "Oi, I know you saw me. Why are you ignoring me" I said. He looked back at me "And what do you expect me to say" he asked. "I don't know?!?! Hi? Hello? What are you doing here? Someshit like that" I say.

He then said "What are you doing here?" In his monotone voice. "Are you making fun of me?" I asked. "No" he replied. He continued waling to the pedestrian lane, waiting for the traffic light to turn red so that we can cross.

Silence filled the atmosphere and said "I saw you earlier...buying those flowers. Why did you go to the hospital?" I asked. He looked down again and shook his head "I met my mother there" he said. "Oh...Is she sick?" I asked realizing how dumb my question was. "Well duh katsuki" I say to myself. "What do you expect when you go to a hospital? Watch movie??" I said to myself filled with sarcasm.

A laughter filled the air. I looked at him and he was laughing. He soon realized I saw him laugh. His cheeks tinted red and looked away. "So...why is she there?" I ask. "She..has some issues" he said. He then added "I don't really wanna talk about it"  and looked at his paper bag. "I assume that was for her?" I asked. He nodded and we began to cross since the traffic light changed faces.

"You, what are you doing here?" He asked changing the topic. "Oh, I was asked by my mom to buy shit" I said raising the plastic bag. His eyes scrunched up. "What's wrong?" I asked. "You should buy a reusable bag next time" I realized why he scrunched his features. I laughed and said "never expected you to tell me that" I say.

"Why is that?" He asked purely confused. "'re rich, you can basically but as many bags as you want. Why bother buying a reusable one?" I say. He nodded and said "Although I am portrayed as rich but all my money isn't mine. They're my fathers. So, he's rich, not me. Also, not every priveledged person's an asshole. I really just love the environment...and plastic's bad" he said.

I then laugh at his statement. He tilted his head. "What's so funny?" He asked. "You look like a dork, you're so compassionate about all this. You look cute" I didn't meant to say the last part out loud. I then blush at my own statement and so did he. "O-oh... thanks I guess," he said. So cute.

He sighed and looked at his own luggage. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I feel annoyed. Mother didn't accept these...what do with it?" He asked and looked at me looking for an answer. "Low key, really thought you had a girlfriend. I thought you were giving it to her but it's for your mother" I say.

He then said "I never had girlfriend." And I asked "A boyfriend?" And his cheeks heated up. "O-oh...never. I never really had any interest in anyone....not like I'm allowed to" he muttered the last part. "What?! Why?!" I asked. He rolled his eyes and asked "Sorry, aren't you gonna go home? I'll need to head out now, bye" he said and walked away. Damn, he keeps avoiding questions... well we just met after all. But even though...he's interesting
........   .

Word Count: 2297

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