She looked at him blankly before he repeated the "sh" sound of the word a couple of times and then open and closed her mouth repeatedly, her lips slightly smacking together each time she did so.

"Yes! That's right!" Harry said excitedly, throwing Isabella in the air with glee before turning to me with pride written in his expression. "I taught her that one myself."

"Of course you did." I shook my head with a laugh and took a sip of my tea, made from the tea bags I'd brought in my suitcase just in case I couldn't find them over here. "I don't know how you can drink that."

I met eyes with him as he took a sip from the black coffee with no sugar I'd handed him, the strong smell of coffee completely taking over the room. 

"It's better than your bloody fruity tea bags."

I rolled my eyes at his response, words failing me to come up with a worthy response. Merely an hour later he was showered, dressed and ready to go to whatever press responsibilities they had lined up for the day, while me and Isabella remained in our pyjamas. 

"I'll see you later, okay?" He said as he slid his phone back into a pocket after receiving a message to head downstairs. "Don't miss me too much."

"We won't." I joked, earning me a light hit on the top of my arm as he chuckled at my remark. "I think I might take her to the pool, keep her busy."

"Just stay inside the hotel, we've got almost all the security with us so it isn't "safe"." I nodded in agreement despite my internal protests at being confined to the hotel, he'd be back before too long anyway.

"You'll be back mid-afternoon?"

"I promise, I'll tell Paul I have to be...I'll text you about when I'll be back."

He leaned down and kissed my lips and said goodbye to Isabella before grabbing his wallet and jacket and leaving the room, the door to the suite slamming loudly behind him. 

"Just me and you for a while, Munchkin."


The hotel pool was thankfully empty once we'd arrived onto the rooftop, Isabella wearing the same watermelon swimsuit she'd worn at the lake and me wearing a plain blue bikini with a robe supplied by the hotel over the top. 

One member of the security team had been left behind to ensure our safety (in an exclusive hotel that requires a working key card to use to lift), it felt weird having some guy I'd hardly met before following us everywhere but those were the rules. Isabella loved the water; the belly laugh that made my heart swell with joy every time I heard it erupting every time her hands hit the water to splash. 

I sent Harry a few texts in hopes of an update on his estimated time of return but, understandably, got no reply. 

"Should we take a photo for Daddy? Show him what he's missing out on?" I smiled overenthusiastically in an attempt to get Isabella to smile at the camera as I held it up. 

She was now wrapped in a towel that was way too big for her body after getting out of the pool, her hair seeming to get curlier as the humidity took hold. Despite her hair being a total contrast to mine with her father's curls, she was still a spitting image of myself, something I'd always pride myself on. 

We sat on the rooftop besides the pool for a while, just enjoying being outside in the sun while we could. Isabella fell asleep pretty much as soon as I'd reapplied her suncream for the third time, her tiny body completely exhausted from being in the water for so long. The sight was almost too cute to bare, but it also gave me a short amount of time to relax in silence before she woke up again. 

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