Chapter 2 - The Pop and Talk

Start from the beginning

The tension in the room was so thick that you can feel it grazing on your body and the two only stared at each other for a good 10 seconds before Logan gave off a reassuring smile and said to his Grandfather.

Logan: How are you holding up.

Albert chuckles a bit for his reunion with his lost Grandson has been way too long overdue.

Albert: (Chuckles) Well, I'll be darned.

He went up to hug Logan, taking at the moment that just transpired with tears streaming down his face, Logan is then returning the hug as he deeply missed Pop-pop.

For years, when they drove him away from his home. He came back enjoying every single second of their moment together while shedding a tear after a long-long-long time; They stayed that way for a good 5 minutes before breaking their hug and wiping away their tears.

Albert: (Smiling) Good to see you are back and doing fine, Logan.

Logan: (Smiling) It's good to be back, Pop-pop.

Albert invited Logan to sit down so they can chat comfortably while still taking in what happened.

Albert: Sit Down Logan we have a lot of catching up to do but first can you tell me, What happened back then? Why did you leave your family all those years ago? I believe you had a reason to cause I know you and I know you won't leave them just like that without a reason to do so. Did something happen to you that forced you to leave them?

Logan, flabbergasted, but not completely, as he knew Pop-pop was very understanding but he surprised by how he understood so much, on what lead him to believe he had a good reason to leave the family he loved so much unless it was serious. Logan sat down and begun talking to Pop-pop.

Logan: I'm surprised you know so much Pop-pop but I would like to keep that information to myself for now at least since it might sound like just an excuse and that wasn't a reason that I should just up and leave my family all those years ago they will only think I made it up and I don't want them to take it like that.

Logan: I miss my parents and also my sisters all of them Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, and Lynn I miss them so much but I can't face them yet not before I know what to say to them so they can understand why I abandoned them.

Albert realized that Logan doesn't know what's new about the family and kept quiet about it to surprise him and also being understanding decided not to push him to admit his reason to abandon his family and began simple small talk with his long lost grandson.

Albert: So can you tell me at least what you did after you left since you're standing out much so?

Logan: Well that I can say the least I hope you're ready for a long story Pop-pop you better get comfy cause this will take a while.

Albert nodded and adjusted his recliner to get comfy to hear what happened to Logan after his disappearance those many years ago.

Logan: A decade ago after what forced me to leave my family, I brought with me all the things I can bring and sell to survive on the streets.

-----------------Flashback Part 1-----------------

A 12-year-old Logan became scared after some criminals threatened him to be quiet and what's an Eleven-year-old boy to do, So he went home and planned to run away from his family because he believes it would keep them safe, He grabbed whatever he can use or sell to survive out there he also brought with him a picture of his family showing how happy they are. After he finished packing, he left without his family and sisters knowing; He ran to a bus station and took a bus then rode as far as he can go with the little money he had with him. Logan spent days on the streets living off any food he can find whether it be from the trash or by theft he had to do what he had to' to survive, Days turned into weeks, And weeks turned into months and Logan survived that long at least.

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