"Speak, Fox," Changbin huffs out when the assassin stayed still. He bit his lip, and he glances up at Minho, his narrow, fox-like eyes on the older.

"My name is Yang Jeongin," he stumbled out, his figure trembling. "His Majesty sent me to kill you." 


"This is... I'm starting to think Yongbok sent us to look for Minho because we offended him."

Chan glances to Changbin, arching an eyebrow at the younger beside him.

"I mean, I feel like every single time we've ever come remotely close to finish this mission, it all goes to shit. Something just has to happen, doesn't it? It just doesn't make sense!" Changbin scoffs, a breath of a laugh at the tip of Chan's tongue.

"I can see Yongbok doing that, anyway. He's petty like that."

Right, their mission has been turned over and upside time and time again that it was getting ridiculous. Not once has it ever gone to plan and if they ever told Yongbok the specifics of their mission, they would definitely be... Well- Chan doesn't know what would happen but it was enough for him to avoid doing so (though Chan was positive Changbin already told Yongbok everything through his letters).

They were trying to find Minho. Again. As he and Hyunjin managed to escape from them to find Jisung. Chan blamed it all on Changbin though, since it was his horse that got scared by some arrow and bucked him off. The spot where they attacked the cart wasn't too far, thankfully, and they made their way to the town closest to it to ask if they've seen the two (and hopefully get another horse for Changbin).

Hopefully, if they had been fast enough, they catch up with the two without another strike from bad karma.

"Have you seen these two?" Changbin brought up one of Jisung and Minho's wanted posters to some merchant, the man shrugging before he continued to swat the flies away from the fresh produce.

"Don't think so," he hums, not paying much attention to the two Baekje guards. "Ask around town some more, maybe."

The town wasn't all that big compared to others Chan had seen. It was small but booming, as traveling merchants would usually supply themselves at these few towns by the border before going into Goguryeo. Though it was crawling with Silla guards, just in case a Goguryeo spy or guard invaded into their territory.

"Excuse me, have you seen these two?" Changbin holds up the poster in front of the woman who runs the tavern, her frowning and arching an eyebrow.

"Are you with the man who asked about them too?" She questions, Changbin turning to Chan.

"A man?"

"Right. He dressed up all in black, scary looking with that messy barbaric hair of his. He was looking for the same people, even had the same poster as you two. He said he was a guard."

"Guards don't really ask questions like that, though," Chan whispers to Changbin, who nodded and continued pressing on.

"Can you tell us where he went?"

"Should be toward the town square. Don't know if he's still there. He asked a while ago."

Changbin patted Chan's chest, and they broke out into a run, squeezing past people without having to bother to apologize. They seemed to have the same thought process. A man wearing all black? Claiming to be a guard instead of patrolling with the rest of his group? It had all sorts of wrong written on it. And for the fact that he was searching for Minho and Jisung...

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