⁰⁹ Start of Something

Start from the beginning

"I'm Billy Hargrove." The boy introduced himself, puffing his chest out slightly like it would get a reaction from her but Imogen just raised a brow and walked towards the office, smiling when she saw the redhead behind the desk.

"Hey, Immy!" Ms. Parker greeted the girl with a grin, glancing towards the boy behind her with a caring smile. "What could I do for you?"

Imogen looked over her shoulder at Billy, sighing when he was looking around the school with a scowl, turning to look at the redheaded woman. "Um...new student. Billy Hargrove."

Ms. Parker nodded, pushing her round glasses up her face, rolling her chair childishly towards the drawer behind her, picking up a map of the school, and grabbing Billy's schedule. "Here you go, Miss. Harrington."

Imogen took the two papers from the woman, "Thanks, have a nice day."

Imogen turned to Billy, biting her lip as she held out the papers to him, "Do you want me to show you around? Or do you got it?"

Imogen flinched when the bell rang loudly, her hand automatically going to the ring for comfort.

Billy noticed the girl's action but shrugged it off, "I got it." he said, glaring at a kid who bumped into his shoulder as everyone rushed to their classes.

Imogen licked her lips, "I'll be around if you need help. You don't seem like the person to ask for it but..."

Billy glared at her but Imogen didn't notice as she turned and walked towards her first period.


"Come and get sheet faced?" Imogen's voice trailed off, her brows furrowed in confusion, looking at the orange flyer in her hands.

Tomorrow was Halloween and of course, Tina, Nicole's friend, was throwing a party at her place and inviting almost the whole school.

"You should go!" Nancy smiled, she had already tried convincing Jonathan but she knew Imogen would be harder since last year Imogen grew quieter and tried to avoid any social interaction.

Imogen glanced at Nancy's hopeful face, swallowing harshly before hesitantly nodding. "I'll think about it."

Nancy cheered with a goofy grin, running off to tell Steve.

Imogen watched the girl with squinted eyes, crumbling the flyer and throwing it in the trash.

"So you're not going?"

Imogen gasped, turning quickly when she heard the voice behind her, glaring at Billy who held amusement in his eyes at the girl's frightened state.

"I don't really like those types of things anymore." Imogen swallowed, she had always loved Halloween, her and Issa had always dressed up together.

This was the first time Issa wouldn't be there, picking out Imogen's costume, when that thought came to mind the girl bit her lip.

"Bummer." Imogen snapped her head up, seeing Billy with his hands in his pockets. "I was kinda hoping you would go."

"I'm not interested in your horny teenage boy game." Imogen sneered, her hand clenching at her side, her mind going to that thought that Billy thought he would get something out of it.

Billy scoffed, "I'm trying to be nice for once. I wasn't going to ask for anything."

Imogen blushed in embarrassment, but kept her composer, her eyes trailing to behind Billy to see Tommy H watching them. "Go with Thomas, see you already got you a little fan club."

Imogen patted Billy on the shoulder before walking to her next class with Billy chuckling while watching the girl before he walked over to Tommy H.

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