Chapter 8 | Marceline

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Sometimes we have

To lose something

Precious in order to

Gain something




I gave Ben the picture last night to leave on the counter. So it would magically return back to Luke and calm him down somehow.

It was unknown how he'd react due to him sleeping in till lunchtime instead of finding out immediately.

Knowing that the tired rock star would sleep in, I had decided to chill in the lounge room with Ben and Jack. I decided simply to wear a dark beanie, dark ripped skinny jeans and a Falling In Reverse band t-shirt that afternoon.

I was sitting in between Jack and Ben on a two-seater couch, much to my dismay. I was quickly driven away from my complaints when I realised what the two guys had chosen to watch.

Adventure Time.

Within moments of the beloved show of theirs, we had begun a heated discussion about who was better; Finn or Jake.

"I'm telling you Shi, Finn is the best-" Jack begin to say, rolling his eyes, looking over to me who was on his right.

"No Jack, Jake is the best, he's way more funny and more interesting-" I protests but Jack puts a hand up in my face.

"But Finn is more emotional in ways, and his past is a complete mystery," Jack smirks but I feel Ben shifting beside me.

"What do you think Ben?" I raise an eyebrow at the quiet brother, wondering of his opinion.

"I think Jake is better." He states, not really wanting to start in the discussion, as he wanted to just watch in amusement.

"See, I was right," I begin, as I grin but Jack huffs at his betraying brother. I quickly adjust my beanie as I feel it slip.

"You know, I still think you all ar-" Jack groans but freezes along with all of us as we hear a shuffle on the floorboards, causing a creak as if screaming that someone is coming our way.

Uh-oh, it's Luke.

He can't see me, I can't see him.

So what if I'm scared.

I went into a dark place once he left.

I never talked to anyone. Not even the horses.

My thoughts get cut off when my beanie is taken off my head by Jack and he starts to fuss with my hair. I couldn't process any words, my mouth was clenched.

You're such a wimp.

"Just shut up and go with it." He whispers as he shoves my beanie back on. I realise he had parted my hair again to the sides so it would cover my face slightly. He then chucked a blanket over all of us, to cover my clothes as my fashion sense hadn't changed too much over the years.

"Morning." I see Ben call out to Luke who emerged from the hallway in only his pyjama pants. I sneak a quick glance at him from behind the couch just before he looks up.

Yep, puberty had finally hit him like the bus did with Regina George.

Luke only hums a response, I can only imagine where he is but I my heart speeds up when he comes over to the couch area instead.

Ben's arm instantly wraps around me, and pulls me on my side and into his chest as we portray the cuddling affection.

I'm confused to this and I hear Jack groan, but in a manner of fakery.

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