Chapter 7. When I see you again

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Chapter 7 - When I see you again

Draco spun the bottle which landed on Lord Voldemort. "Oh crud." Draco cursed under his breath.

"Truth or dare my lord?" Draco asked.

"Truth." Voldemort answered.

"Does anyone know the counter curse to this spell?" Draco asked.

"Yes Bellatrix does." Voldemort replied.

Lucius spun it next and it landed on Ginny.

"Truth or dare?" Lucius asked.

"Dare." Ginny replied.

"I dare you to kick a dude in the groin." Lucius said.

Ginny got up and kicked Draco.

"What's that for?" Draco asked.

"You technically called me a slut." She replied.

Hermione spun it next and it landed on Severus.

"Truth or dare sev?" Hermione asked.

"Dare." He replied.

"I dare you to duet when I see you again with me." Hermione said.

P.S. Pretend it's a wizard song.

Severus got up and stood beside her.

"♪ It's been a long day without you my friend.

Ill tell you all about it when I see you again.

Oh oh oh ohhh.♪" Severus and Hermione sung in unison.

"Whoo!" Everyone cheered. "Why'd you pick such a sad song?" Severus asked. Hermione didn't answer but just looked sadly at the door.

Suddenly it burst open and Bellatrix was holding her wand. "My lord what are they doing here!?" Bellatrix asked.

"Bellatrix whatever you do do not come I'm this room." Voldemort commanded but Bellatrix's leg was already inside.

"You bloody idiot!" The dark lord howled. "My lord what happened I can't get out!" Bellatrix said trying to open the door which had slammed.

"Just sit down." Hermione said. Bellatrix cackled. "Me take orders from a mudblood? Never!" Bellatrix and hit Hermione which ended up in her having the same effect as Lucius.

"You need to find better servants." Severus said and Lucius and Voldemort glared at him.

Veritaserum Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora