9 | thunder

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scenario, y/n is afraid of thunder but no one knows, peter to the motherfucking rescue *cue theme song* - 600 words
warnings, cussing aAh, big time fluff
pairing, stark daughter! reader
- damn i love storms but my best friend has a major fear so that's the inspo


"shit!" you squealed, pulling your blanket over your head. again, the hot weather was mixing with the clouds and upsetting the sky. it was thunder and lightning, a big hot storm.

since you were a kid, you'd always feared when the news announced storms approaching. luckily, your dad would always stay up with you until you fell asleep. he protected you.

but as you grew up, he assumed your fear wasn't as major. but boy, was he wrong.

you peered your head to look at the window as another flash lit up your room. the rumbling continued to frighten you, so you folded your arms, shielding yourself before leaving your room.

you'd reached the door opposite you and hesitantly held your fist up. "what am i doing?" you muttered before letting your fist fall.

only for it to fall onto the chest of peter parker who had speedily opened the door. his spidey senses must've picked up your feet pattering or your whispering.

"uh, hey y/n" he says sleepily, rubbing his eyes. you immediately retract your hand that rested on his bare chest. damn he was toned but, figures. he was spiderman.

you shake those thoughts from you head, fears that the avengers running commentary of your blossoming relationship might be true. "hi. i'm sorry if i woke you."

"it's okay" he smiled. his heart grew upon seeing you in an oversized red t shirt and pyjama shorts. he thought you looked adorable with messy bed head and pouty lips. "so uh, what's up?"

a crack of thunder gave away your feeling towards storms as you immediately jumped closer to him. it was enough for peter to know that you were scared.

"n-nothing" you said, taking a step back.

he gently grabbed your wrist, before giving you the 'i understand and it's okay' look. you melted into him as his strong arms wrapped around your frame.

"you wanna join me?" he asked, breathing against your neck. you mumbled in acceptance before you walked over to his bed. his hand never left yours until you were finally under the covers, snuggled close together.

"thanks, parker" you smiled, ruffling his messy curls.

he blushed. "i just have one question, if i may?"


"tony stark's daughter is afraid of thunder?" he teased, flopping an arm around you waist.

you rolled your eyes and nuzzled closer to him. "shut up."

he laughed before another rumble of thunder made you bury your head under the covers. peter heard your whimpering and knew, you actually were scared.

"hey, hey, hey" he softly spoke "it's okay, y/n. i got you." his sweet voice made you relax a little before he joked, "seriously i don't want you to suffocate."

finally, you pulled your head out of the covers as his big sleepy grin made your heart flutter. he gingerly pushed your baby hairs from your face as you relaxed your grip around his torso.

his kind actions made you wonder if you really did like him like that. peter knew for a fact, he'd loved you for months.

after lazy chatter, you felt your eyes begin to droop. the rumbling hadn't been heard for a while so you trusted yourself to sleep.

peter absentmindedly rubbed your side with his thumb, accidentally easing you as you finally drifted off.

he heard your soft breathing and noticed you'd finally gotten the sleep you were lacking. he'd never felt so jittery and happy to have the girl of his dreams in his arms.

"g'night" he muttered, leaning his head against yours before kissing your temple.

one thing peter knew for sure; he'd fallen big time.

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