8 | headaches

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scenario, y/n suffers from migraines due to her powers, but peter is the cutest and i do not use that title lightly - 1k words
warnings, one curse word: gasp
pairings, avengers! reader
powers, telepathy
- i will always love caring/protective/sweet peter


today, you'd woken up feeling rough. another day with your telepathic powers and the migraines weren't easing off.

to make it worse, school was a drag. you could thank tony for enrolling you at midtown tech. it was your only distraction from living with the avengers.

a perk is that peter also attended midtown tech and he always looked out for you. you'd both grown close since he spent a lot of time with tony and being spider-man, your paths crossed.

the busy hallways were pissing you off. everything was loud; the simple steps of sneakers, the banging of lockers and chatter of students. you couldn't take it.

to try and hide from it all, you shoved your head in your locker, squinting your eyes to try and drown the noise out. of course, it didn't actually work and you started to get more frustrated.

peter noticed you, standing by your locker. he noticed your shoes, your backpack and your hair and he only assumed you were looking for something, having your head that deep into your locker.

he walked up to you, a feeling bubbling inside of him. he tapped you on the shoulder, confused as to why you were so startled.

"oh, shit. sorry, y/n" he chuckled. you fanned him off with your wrist.

"don't worry about it" you smiled, happy to see a familiar face. for a moment, his dopey dimpled smile and gorgeous brown eyes distracted you from the banging in your head.

only for a moment though.

you clutched your head as your eyes started to water slightly. but as soon as you realised peter was watching you, you retracted your hand and blinked back the discomfort you felt.

"hey, what's wrong?" he asked, concern clouding his eyes.

"uh, nothing" you say. he arched a brow, knowing you were lying. his sixth sense works in different ways, it must have something with detecting lies.

you frown, knowing you've got no choice but to tell him. "ok, i've got a headache. but, it's no big deal-"

"your migraines, again?" he immediately asked. he knows you get them bad after the many times that dinner had been taken to your room, which was dark and blacked out. "why're you at school?"

"cause, i want to do mrs warren's pop quiz" you whispered. the thought of even talking loudly already hurting you. "seriously, i've been studying for it all week."

"i really don't think you should" peter says, matching your hushed tone. "i'm surprised mr stark even let you leave. he's normally got bruce checking up on your symptoms."

it was true. no one really knew why you got migraines from your powers. bruce banner's theory was that you often overused your powers sometimes and that's what causes the discomfort. but no one can be too sure, so you're normally kept off school.

"i might've not told him" you say, shutting your locker. you wince at the noise, it pounds in your head. peter can see how much pain you're in and takes your hand.

"please, let me take you home" he says, placing his hand on top of yours. "you can take the quiz another time and then you'll be fully focussed. please, y/n. you'll feel better."

you sigh, knowing he's right. he's always right. "okay" you say, finally giving in. he leads you outside, avoiding the busier corridors to minimise the noise.

when you finally stop outside, so you can swing away, he sees how sad you look. he knows you studied hard, but he thought you could read people's minds and get the answers anyway.

"uh, i can skip the rest of the day. if you want?" he says, attempting to cheer you up.

"peter parker! since when did you start skipping classes?" you giggled, looping your arms around his shoulders. he held onto your waist, a safe grip as he laughs with you.

"you'd be surprised" he smiles before you swing away.

after a while, your head was just as bad as before. you were in the sun and it was too bright so you told peter that you were gonna shut your eyes.

little did he know, that you were gonna doze off. subconsciously, you felt so secure in his arms and your brain needed a break from the pain.

when he landed, a smile tugged at his lips upon hearing your tiny snores. he thought you looked so peaceful which was good considering your migraine.

you faced his chest, your arms had fallen from his shoulders as your face rested against his body. peter locked his hands together, holding you against him. your legs hung by his thighs, swinging whenever he'd turn a corner.

"hey, kid" tony greeted him. his eyes fell to you, arching a brow.

"a migraine, mr stark" peter whispered, hoping you'd stay asleep. tony's face scrunched up in concern as he focussed on you. "i was gonna take her to her room."

"she didn't tell me? huh, can't say i'm surprised" tony mumbles. "friday, tell banner that y/n's got another migraine and we'll run tests when she's awake. parker, can you-"

"shut the blinds, turn off any lights and put her to bed?" he answers. he hugged you closer as you adjusted in your sleep.

tony gawped at the boy who didn't need any instruction. peter interrupted him and for some reason, he wasn't that mad about it. "you got it, kid."

peter nodded before passing him and heading to your room. tony watched how caring and careful he was with you.

"i've alerted mr banner, anything else for you, sir?" friday asked.

tony watched the both of you, peter sneakily giving you a kiss on the forehead. a smirk played at tony's lips. "that's all, friday."

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