chapter 12

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Yes. Two chapters in one day. And trigger warning!! There is self harm and sad thoughts in this chapter!!
Charlie's pov
Leo said that he was going too the bathroom and I don't really know why. (To pee Charlie. Omg you dimwit.). I got dressed and went downstairs. I had been a few minutes, but Leo wasn't out of the washroom. Hmm. He was probably showering. But then after about another 45 minutes I was worried. Leo? I said knocking on the door. Yeah? What are you doing? I asked. Um, nothing- I mean something - it... It doesn't matter. Leo, I said. Leo what are you actually doing? No answer. Leo! I yelled. He dropped something. It sounded like metal. What was he - wait...

Leondre's pov
I ran too the bathroom and grabbed the knife I used(oh I guess it wasn't too pee). It wasn't a big deal. All Charlie did, or more, didn't do, was blush. He doesn't love you Leo. He will never love you. in fact he probably isn't even your friend. Leo, why are you here? Why hadn't you done what they want yet? You have no place in this world. You're a wast of space. USE IT ALREADY! IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE YET, CUT! My mind said. I obeyed. I laughed softly as I slit a cut in my arm. A stab of pain. A drop of blood. More, Leo. You will show them that you are not a wimp and you can feel pain without crying. Prove yourself. I did. Little slits all up my arm. Little bits of blood. Not bleeding, just a bit of blood. I don't know how long I did it. How many slits I made. But then I heard a voice. Leo? Yeah? I answered. What are you doing? Nothing. I said automatically. Then, maybe I could tell him. somthing. But he wouldn't care. It doesn't matter. I said. Leo. Leo, what are you actually doing? I didn't answer. Maybe he would leave. Leo! He yelled. I hadn't heard him yell before. I was so surprised I dropped the knife. There was a moment of silence. Leo, said Charlie, please let me in. His voice was shaking with worry and horror. He must have guessed. Leo, please. His voice was small and choked. I couldn't handle the pain in his voice. I walked over and opened the door.

Charlie's pov
Leo, please let me in. I said. I was scared that my Leo was hurt. I was horrified that he was doing that. Cutting. My voice shook and I was trying my hardest not to cry. Leo. Please. I could barely get the words out. My throat was constricted. Then on the other side of the door I heard footsteps and the door opened. Leo stood there with tears an his face and scratches and cuts up his arm. Leondre. I whispered. Then I couldn't talk. I bit my lip as hard as I could and led him back into the bathroom. I closed and looked the door. Ch- Charlie? He asked. His voice cracking. I collapsed into the floor and cried. Leo! I screamed. How could you do that?! Why?! Please! He let out a sniff. I'm sorry. Charlie, I'm really really sorry. No! Why?! Leo! He said. Charlie! Stop. I stopped talking and just cried into my hands. Charlie. Said Leo. Charlie. He sat down next too me and looked at his feet. Through my tears saw his own running down his face, and landing on the floor. I took hold of him and pulled him over too me. I held him as tight as I could and  he cried and cried. My shirt was soaked but I didn't care. All that mattered was Leo. He leaned back a bit and wiped the tears off of my face. Useless, as I was still crying, but an affectionate act, still.   Charlie. He said again. Then I stroked his wet cheek with the edge of my shirt. He smiled in a watery way. I did my best to smile too. What are we gonna do? He asked. Clean up and talk later. I said. Ok. We washed out faces and picked up the knife. It was an x-acto knife. What should I do with it? I sort of wanted too destroy it. I didn't want too give it to Leo. I decided to keep it for now. We finished fixing ourselves up and I changed shirts. Leo stated close too me. He didn't want me out of his sight. As I was walking downstairs, for a second I remembered the feeling I got when he was locked in the bathroom, and a tear escaped my eye.
Leo wiped it off and held my hand for a second. Stop worrying Charlie. I smiled, my eyes brimming with tears, but I knew that I couldn't cry. We weren't going to tell anyone. My mum was downstairs. I climbed back up a  couple steps so !I'm couldn't see me. Leo, so you want too come over for the night? I asked. We'll have to ask our parents, he said. We asked ms Devries. If you want, Leo, pack quickly. He ran upstairs. Mum, can Leo come over for the night? I asked. Oh honey, ofc! She said. (The kiss remember?) Leo came back down with a bag and we set off too my house.

Leo's pov
Charlie was standing there with tears streaming down his face. Leondre. He said. And then pulled me into the bathroom. Ch- Charlie? I asked. He fell to the floor sobbing uncontrollably. Leo! How could you do that?! He screamed. Why?! Please. I whispered I'm sorry Charlie,I'm really really sorry. No! He screamed. Why!? Charlie! Stop! I couldn't handle his screaming. He stopped saying anything and just cried. Charlie. I said. I say down beside him and cried quietly. He saw and pulled me close to him. He held me right as if afraid to let go. I couldn't help it.I cried hard for almost 15 minutes. I let go got a second and wiped his tears with my thumb. Then he wiped my eyes with his shirt. I tried too smile. So did he. What are we gonna do? I asked. Clean up and talk later. He said. After cleaning ourselves up, we went downstairs. Charlie quietly asked if I wanted to come over for the night at his place. Our mom's were fine with it.
I hope you enjoy it! I'm pretty impressed with myself for this one. I am accurate with pretty much everything, as in real life
❤ U!
Word count: 1113!!

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