chapter 1

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Leondre's pov
I woke up to the annoying sound of my digital alarm clock. My mom knocks on the door and says wake up Leo, get ready for school. I don't really care if I'm late for school so I lie there not bothering to get out of bed. Eventually I hear mom yelling up the stairs to get down there so I yell one sec to mom and jump in the shower, not bothering to wait for the water to heat up. I throw on a tee and a hoodie and slip on some jeans. Running downstairs I slip on my bookbag and decide to skip breakfast. Mom calls after me I love you, as I walk too school.

Charlie's pov
I was rudely awakened this morning by my mum dragging me into the floor. The cold hard floor. Now let me tell you, a cold floor in the morning is not especially nice when you're wearing nothing but boxer shorts. Muuum! I yelled. You have 10 minutes to get to school. She screams into my ear. Frick. I forgot to set my alarm yesterday. I slip into the same cloths as yesterday and glance guilty at the shower as I run past it. Not today. With a slice of toast in my mouth I hop onto my bike and speed down too school. As I'm leaving my driveway I noticed a boy walking leisurely down my street in the other direction. Probably to the other school. I wonder absent mindedly if his school starts later than mine, cause if it does he will be late. That thought was chased away as I see my friend Harvy racing down too our school and we have our daily race to school. We arrive there and I hopelessly insist that I was there first even though as I'm running into the telephone pole he is walking into the school already. We run too our classroom and realize that we are barely on time. The teacher gives us a look that clearly says, next time you will be in for it.

Leondres pov
I made it through school avoiding certain people nicely, hiding out in the toilets when lunch came which caused me to skip lunch as well as breakfast, but that's better than being beaten up.
After school I throw my hood over my head and run to the basketball court. I only remember that there is no basketball today when I see the people that I want to see least in the world. I try to sneak away before they see me, but I already know that they did. My only hope is to run. So I do, but they caught up too me anyway. A fist hits my ear and it burns in the cold. I look over my shoulder just in time to see one of the bigger ones jumping into me. I am knocked too the ground and suddenly I see five or six of them. They punch me and I try not to make a noise. I can see my house at the end of the street and don't want my mom too see me. I'm just imagining what might happen if my mom found out about this when I see a glint of metal. It's a knife. One of the boys is holding a shiny silver knife. I scream. I can't help it. The boy looks angry and hits me over the head with the blade. There is no point trying to escape now. I'm dizzy and fighting just to stay conscious. There is a flash of movement and I black out.

Charlie's pov
School is finally over and I want nothing more than to get home and eat. I had forgotten my lunch at home and just want too eat. I bike home as fast as I can ignoring everything that might distract me from getting there. I slam the door closed and yell, I'm home! My mum hands me an Apple and a cookie and kisses my forehead. She evidently was aware that I had forgotten my lunch. Thanks mum. I say and run up too my room to do my homework. I've only done 4 math equations when I hear a commotion outside. I ignore it and finish 2 more. That's when I hear a scream. I peak out my window and see a boy, I think it's the same guy as I saw this morning, but this time he's unconscious and I see some bigger guys running away. I run into the bathroom and grab the bandages and alcohol. I dash outside and up close the guy looks really hurt. He's bleeding on his head and face and it's as if his entire body was one big bruise. I try my best to patch him up after carrying him to the side of the road. He stirs a little. My mum is out here by now and trying to figure out who's kid this is. He has brown hair, and I can tell that he's a little younger than me. I see a woman running down the road and when she sees the boy she starts crying. Is he okay? She asked. Do you know what happened? I tell her that I saw some boys beating him up and I don't know anything else or who they are. She thanks us and heads off home saying that Leondre would be thankful.
Hi! This is my first book so tell me if I should continue it! Word count. 928. Thank you!


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