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"HOLY FUCK!" Soviet screamed.
"I-I think I'm gonna-" Canada stated before vomiting all over the carpet.
"Oh shit this is very disgusting" Britain said as he stepped inside the room.
"Andorra...."France whispered.
She picked up the small countrys body....
Her lungs had been ripped out of her stomach.
Britain gave a light kick to Turkey...
His heart had been ripped out and blood was splattered all over the walls near him.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better" Someone sang.
"Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better" Another continued.
Britain blinked a couple times before looking at the desk.
Ireland and Germany were hiding there....
They didn't hear our adventures coming in because they were to caught up in their thoughts.
"Ireland? Germany? Are you the only ones alive?" Britain asked.
The two countries jolted back before calming down at the sight of Britain.
"I think Soviet's children and the Nordics are still alive..." Germany whispered.
Reich shrieked as he accidentally stepped into Poland's chest.
Poland was the worst of all....
All his intestines had been ripped out and thrown around the room...
"EU! Come out at once! This is horrible!" UN declared.
"H-he fled..." Belarus stuttered.
"He killed Poland, Turkey, Andorra, Czech Republic and Slovakia.." Ukraine sighed.
Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan were sitting by the wall....
Far away from the blood and guts....
"What about everyone else?" German Empire asked.
"They all passed out" Germany said.
"Come on let's get you all home.... I'll get the FBI to investigate this and take out the bodies" UN stated. "Also I think it would be best if you stay in German Empire's House this evening... And maybe for the next few days.".
"Alright then let's go" German Empire said.
"Ugh that was disgusting" Canada whined as Ukraine messed with his hair.
"It's all over now Nada. We won't have to worry anymore..." Ukraine chuckled.
"Mhm but I'm sure that when someone looked at Germany he started to get a boner!"Belarus smirked and Russia gave her a glare.
"Oh I wonder who that is was it you, Russia?" Reich laughed.
"Oh yes I'm sure he'd love to see him in that black leotard again..." Soviet snickered.
"AH STOP!" Russia screeched.
Ireland and New Zealand laughed.
"Oh Russia its only love.... But you are inviting us to your wedding." France stated.
"GAH SHUT UP!" Russia screeched again.
"Heres the soup guys" Germany smiled as he brought out a tray filled with bowls.
"Why thank you, Germany" Britain said.
"Oh, Russia are you alright? You face is quite red." Germany stated.
"Oh uh me I'm fine?" Russia stuttered.
"Was that a question?" Germany asked.
"He's embarrassed" Belarus laughed.
"Oh what happened? Did I miss something funny?" Germany questioned.
"No not at all dear, now sit down and eat! We're going to watch a movie!" France laughed.
"OH LET'S WATCH GHOSTBUSTERS!" America screamed.
"NO! GROUNDHOG DAY!" Canada yelled.
"NO! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!" Australia and Belarus screeched.
"Oooo High School Musical sounds nice!" Reich laughed.
"Did you just make a pun!" Britain asked as Soviet processed what Reich said.
"Ohhhhh I get it.... It sounds good cause its a musical" Soviet said.
"Oh my god are you that stupid!" Britain stated.
"But we already have a Troy and Gabrielle!" Australia whined.
"Who?" Germany asked being the clueless little bean he is.
"Russia is Troy..... And you are Gabrielle!" America laughed.
"W-what?!?" Germany blushed a bright red.
Russia was also red.
Both redder than Po the Telietubbie.
"WeRe AlL iN tHiS tOgEtHeR~" America sang very of pitch.
"Once we know, That we are, We're all stars, And we see that,
We're all in this together, And it shows, When we stand, Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true" Canada continues.
"Wow that was great and all but like we haven't even started the movie" Russia stated and the two rolled their eyes at him.
Woah two chapters in one day!
Sorry I'm not good at writing gore cause I'm very much like Canada....
Anyway goodbye my dear children

Also sorry if you're Polish or Turkish
And if youre from Czech Republic or Slovakia or Andorra......

Love you children!
*Sends you my motherly love*
Lol bye Xd

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