Chapter 1

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Hello?? Why is it so dark....what the hell?? I lean forward, pushing my hands on the wall in front of me. After cluelessly pushing onto the wall in front of me, I find that I stumbled out of a... locker?? Why would I be in a locker? I look around trying to remember how I got there.

"Was I just sleeping in a locker?... So I was stuffed in a locker, which was put in a random classroom where I don't remember walking through. Just great", I sarcastically sighed as I tried making sense of my situation.

I looked around the classroom and saw a mirror to my right. I was wearing a black cropped hoodie with a black and f/c checkered pattern on the hoodie part, black shorts with f/c ribbons on the sides, and black boots.

"Woah not bad but I don't remember putting these on. These shorts are kinda short, but whatever." Okay if I don't even know how I got here or remember putting these clothes on, what do I remember? Wanting to know where the bloody hell I was, I walked out of the classroom and into the hallways.

After exploring a bit, I decided to go outside but once I did, I was in utter shock. My heart shrunk as I saw a big cage surrounded the area. This is just impossible. I have to be dreaming or something. I bit the inside of my mouth and started to feel pain, along with the taste of blood. So this isn't a dream, but this doesn't answer why or how I got here. I decided to go back inside in hope that there might be other people around or someone to tell me why I was here.

As I walked in the halls once more, I stumbled upon an emo boy and an energetic looking girl walking but now running towards me. "Hi my name is Kaede Akamatsu, but you can call me Kaede! I'm the Ultimate Pianist", the girl said as she motions to the boy next to her. " This is Shuichi." "H-hi, I-I'm the U-Ultimate Detective. Uhhm if y-you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

I thought about that question "who am I"? That specific question, seemed scary but so despairingly familiar. My mind went blank as my face and actions just seemed to act on their own. My face on its own pulling the edges of my mouth with my eyes almost lighting up like it was it's own reflex.

"Nice to meet you Kaede, Shuichi. I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n but you can call me Y/n. Don't forget my name or I'll bite you~", I teased as they awkwardly laughed. "Nice to meet y-you Y/n. Weird question but do you remember how you got here?", the detective asked as I shook my head. "No I don't remember. By the sound of it you guys don't know either." " Yup we don't know anything either haha." Wow she's sure positive in this situation. I don't think they've been outside yet.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your Ultimate Talent?", the detective once again asked. "So much questions, I'm overwhelmed. I didn't mean to make the detective suspicious of me," I said while keeping my composure. "H-huh I didn't mean it like that!?", the poor emo boy exclaimed in worry. "I'm just joking Shuichi, don't be so serious haha." "So what is your Ultimate Talent Y/n?" At that moment, it wasn't just my facial expressions that were acting on their own. My body, my voice, and my thoughts started taking over my conscious.

"The Ultimate Truth-Teller in the flesh", I answered their question with a flashy smile. "What do you mean by Truth-Teller?" "As long as I've known I never told a lie, mostly because I can't. You see, my body won't let me, but it isn't all bad! I also can detect if someone is telling the truth", I explained as they looked at me with awe.

"Wow that's so cool!! You're like a living lie detector. Me and Shuichi were checking if there was anybody else here in the school, do you wanna join?", Kaede asked as I nodded. "Sure why not." I followed them as we walked around the school. And as we walked around the school, things started to come back to me.

So far the only person they've seen other than me is this blue haired chick who was the "Ultimate Cosplayer." I guess that just means I woke up before them. It also means they haven't seen the outside yet... As we walked around the school, we stumbled across a classroom. As Kaede curiously opened the door, we heard loud yelling echoing coming from the room.  "Heyy wait for mee!!!" "P-Please stop! Don't come any closer!!"

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