Chapter 7

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Do you enjoy lying? No, I don't. But you do it anyway, you must like it. No, I don't. I bet you're lying now. You can't even trust yourself. I had no choice. Liar! Everyone has a choice and you choose to lie. You choose to lie. You choose to become something your not. You choose to fake your existence. You choose to become fake. You choose to become a liar. ...but everyone's so happy. Everyone's happy I lied until they know the truth. They were happy... My bullies were happy until I beat them. My friends were happy until I dropped the act. My parents were happy until I disappointed them.

"Cheers! To our newest member!" "Cheers!", I watched as all eleven drinks clinked as the people in clown masks laughed. I turned to myself in the memory. I was also smiling.

What about them? You look happy here and so do they. Did you disappoint them? I don't remember... I don't remember these people. They looks so happy. I look so happy...why don't I remember. Why can't I remember. A liar like you doesn't deserve to remember! Why..... I lied for them. I lied for them to be happy..why. Because they didn't need you. They don't need you and that's final. They didn't need you to change for them. Shut up.. They didn't need you to care for them. Please wake up... They didn't need you to smile for them. This is a dream. They didn't need you because they wouldn't have accepted you in the first place. Get out of my head!

I sprung up from my bed, my breathe still shaky. "Dammit why is this happening!", I shakily spoke as I furiously hit the side of my bed. "It's ok Y/n just breathe. You're stronger than this." I turn to the table in my room and saw colorful device on the table. I got out of bed and walked towards the table.

"The hell is this?" I pick it up and touch the screen as the screen light up to show my name with Monokuma's voice. "Alright! Back by popular demand, it's time for the motive video! Who's the most important person in *your* life? And now, without further ado... Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Liar... the poor girl was bullied her whole life and acted with a smile. But then she became violent and was later suspended which infuriated her parents. She lied about her information and lied to people just to gain their satisfaction." The screen showed pictures of my parents and friends with me smiling, but I knew all those smiles were fake.

Then I watched as the screen changed and I saw... "Kokichi!?!" The screen showed me, Kokichi and nine other people in clown masks and costumes. "Even after her parents died in an accident, she found herself a new family in a secret organization called D.I.C.E. With her talent for lying, she help D.I.C.E. cause petty nonviolent crimes and harmless pranks. D.I.C.E. accepted Y/n and she viewed these people as family and would literally do anything for them. Even die!"

Just as it said that, I watched as the screen changed once more to the same ten people locked behind bars, having cuts, restraints, and bruises on them. "But then, something terrible happened to her precious family. What kind of event? It's a secret! Puhuhuhu.." I watched as the screen turn black and the device shut off.

"No... why...", I felt tears of rage forming from my eyes. "That should been me dammit!", I growled, throwing the device on the floor. "I-I should've been there with them.... Did they get hurt... because of me?" The possibilities of what happen flooded in my mind but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember. I raise my hand, and slap myself across the face. "Gosh stop being an idiot. This is what Monokuma wants. He wants you to fall into despair and kill. I gotta find the mastermind." But then it hit me... Kokichi! I quickly get ready and walk out the door.

As I was about to go to Kokichi's dorm, I here Keebo's voice. "Y/n perfect timing." Smile Y/n smile. I quickly turned my panicked expression into a bright smile.

The Ultimate Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum