I jumped up and hugged my best friend. Sam laughed.

"You know, you still aren't dressed yet."

She smiled at me slyly.

"Oh no. Sam, what did you do?"

The smile got bigger as she pulled my into mine and Gavin's room. On the bed sat a white dress. She picked it up and ushered me back into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at her from the safety of the bathroom.

I quickly got dressed and walked out. As soon as I made an appearance, Sam gasped. She stood up and walked around me, taking it in.

"You do realize that you might be loosing your virginity tonight right?"

I gaped at her.

"Samantha Strict! What the hell?!"

She just snickered.

"Bad Sam! Bad Sam!"

She laughed harder. I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I really did look stunning. The white dress went to my mid thighs. I turned and looked at the back. The back is practically non-existent. The left sleeve was practically see-through and loose. It had a cuff that gripped onto my wrist. The right arm had no sleeve. There is little white flowers feathering down my left breast to the right side of my waist. The top half of the dress was also loose, but it gripped my waist. The skirt was loose fitting and flowed down to my mid thighs.

I turned and gaped at Sam. My mouth opened and closed like a fish needing water. I finally found the words I needed to say. Well, ask.

"Why did you choose this dress?"

Sam shrugged.

"Well, your almost 18. You have been with Gavin almost a full year and still havn't completed the mated process,"

I rolled my eyes. Of course. That's just what Sam would say.

"And besides, Matthew and I have been together for about 4 months and and have already completed the mating process."

"Ugh! Sam, haven't you heard of the expression, TMI?!"

She grinned.

"Of course I have. I just don't use it."

"Of course."

Sam walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of white ballet flats that had little white flowers going from the pinkie toe, down to the arch. She handed them to me and I slipped them on. They fit perfectly. I looked at the time on my phone.


In ten minutes, the ceremony would start, and I would become the Luna of The Texas pack

Que, 'Joy To The World'

Sam linked her arms with mine and off we went. As soon as we reached the pack auditorium, my nerves got the best of me. My stomach did flips, somersaults, aero tricks, and left me feeling very sick. My mind strayed.

What if the pack doesn't accept me as their Luna? What if Gavin decides I'm not good enough for the Luna position?

Judging by the growl I heard in my mind, Gavin caught onto my train of thoughts.

'Don't worry Crystal, the pack will love you, and if you weren't right for the Luna position, the Moon Goddess wouldn't have made you able to deal with the responsibilities.'

'Well, I guess you're right. I wouldn't be here right now if the Moon Goddess didn't see me fit to run a pack at your side.'

'See, I told you so.'

'Gavin Porter! Dd you just tell your mate 'I told you so'?'

'Um, no?'

'Mhm. Sure. Whatever floats your boat babe.'

I smiled. Gavin knew just what to say to make me smile.

"Talking to 'lover boy'?"

"Sam, you should know by now, of course I am."

I looked over at her as she grinned. She let go of arm as I stood next to Gavin in the front row. I looked up at Gavin as he smiled down at me. He leaned down to my ear.

"You look really good tonight."

His voice came out with lust twisted into them. I stood on my toes and said as sexy as I could,

"And you look very handsome tonight."

I bit my lip as he looked down at me with lust filled eyes. He leaned down and lightly kissed me. As he pulled away. I noticed that my lipstick had rubbed off onto his lips. I giggled. And his brows furrowed. I giggled again and licked my thumb. I put it up and rubbed it against his lips, trying to get rid of the orange-red lipstick. It only smeared. I felt my brows furrow as I tried to get it away unsuccessfully. As I looked up into his eyes, I saw that amusement was dancing in them.

I frowned.

"Whats wrong?"

"You have lipstick on!"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What? I never put any lipstick on."

"I know. When you kissed me, my lipstick rubbed off onto your lips!"

He chuckled. Then he brought a hand up and wiped at his mouth.

"Is it off now?"

My eyes squinted as I looked.

"No, its not."

He wiped at his mouth more furiously than before.

"Is it off now?"

"I hope so."

"Gavin and Crystal! Come one up here!"

We stepped forward and Gavin jumped up, while I walked on the steps. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Gavin Porter, tonight you are here with your mate to receive the title of Alpha."

His dad turned to me,

"Crystal Goodwater, tonight you are here with your mate to take the title of Luna."

The pack cheered for us. Gavin took my hand, and gave a reassuring squeeze before stepping forward.

"Gavin Porter, do you, solemnly promise to take care of this pack and protect it with your life if needed? Do you promise to love and cherish this pack and everyone in it with your whole heart? Do you promise to keep discipline and order in this pack?"

"I, Gavin Porter, solemnly promise to take care of this pack and protect it with my life if needed. I promise to love and cherish this pack and everyone i it with my whole heart. I promise to keep discipline and order in this pack."

"Oh Moon Goddess, take our shed blood as a sign that we pledge take care of your children as our own."

Gavin's father slit his palm with the sacred knife, and then as soon as he had slit Gavin's palm, the bloody hands were pressed together in a firm hand shake. The next thing that happened was like magic. White lights wrapped around their hands many times before they changed directions and shot into their hands. They glowed for a second before disappearing.

All of a sudden it felt like a thousand weights were dropped onto my soulders. It was done.

I was no longer Crystal Goodwater, mate to Gavin Porter, but now, I am, Crystal Goodwater, mate and Luna to Gavin Porter, Alpha of the Texas pack.


IT TIS DONE they are finally alpha and Luna! AHHHHHHHH HAPPY DANCE!!!!!! lol. So, the reasons why it took me so long to update is because, I'M NO LONGER SINGLE I now have a boyfriend! I'M LIKE, SOOOOOOO HAPPY lol and I got sick. I am planning on going to Julliard with my viola so I'm getting a personal teacher to help me get better. BTW THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK. just in case i made you think that. { 1723 words lol just for you guys }

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