Ch 25|Cold Bath

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Jimin patted the spot on the couch next to him, and Yoongi happily complied, turning himself to Jimin and sitting cross legged on the couch. "Hi love,"

The younger boy giggled. "You literally went away for two minutes,"

"Well you've been blocking me out for a day. I miss my mochi," Yoongi said, giving the boy puppy eyes. And Jimin had never seen Yoongi do puppy eyes before, and felt his heart melt at the cute energy that radiated off the pouting face.

"You're cute hyung,"

"You're cuter,"

"No but you're the cutest,"

"You're the cutest-est,"

"Hyung that's not a word,"Jimin said, giggling again, slightly pushing Yoongi's chest. Yoongi had a stupid grin on his own face, happy at the sappy conversation they were having as was normal between them.

And Jimin's hat was doing contortions in his chest. "I love you," He said, leaning in to get a kiss.

Fulfilling Jimin's wishes, Yoongi asked, "You ever gonna let me say that first?"

"No" Jimin mumbled against the black haired boy's lips and smiled into the kiss.

"Come here," Yoongi said after they broke apart, opening up his hands for Jimin to settle in, and soon, they were cuddling, limbs tangled against each other.


We talked about this thing and that through part of the night, once again falling into that comfortable space when Jimin decided to talk about the talk.



"You're never gonna do stuff to me without asking right?"

I felt my heart skip three to seven beats, "Of course not Jimin why would I do that?"

"I dunno, I'm a little scared I guess, eomma said a lot of things,"

I was sure that she had. What I was not sure of was whether she had been easy on him or just straight up blunt and factual.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Mnhmm, I guess that explains the weird things happening to my downstairs sometimes when I'm around you,"He said thoughtfully, and I felt myself blush. He was getting turned on by me, and that put me in a really awkward position. It was good to know, but still, it was weird to hear out loud, especially when he was still half clueless of what was going on.

"But the way she said it, hyung, it sounds like it hurts," He said looking at me, eyes darkening a little bit. 

"That depends on the person Jimin, I don't know how to say it," I said wanting to get out of these unfamiliar waters as soon as I possibly could.

"You and eomma rehearse the same scripts don't you?" He asked,frowning a bit and relaxed back into my arms "I feel weird knowing these things," He sighed.

"My beautiful, beautiful angel" I thought, kissing his fore head and caressing his hair lightly. Of course he felt weird knowing these things, it was a weird thing to talk about to anyone.

"I'm sorry I ignored you hyungie," He said, humming against my chest, sending vibrations through my whole body. "It's alright angel," I said, hugging him a bit closer. He sat up on me, in a particularly private place, and pouted, crossing his arms.

"No fair, you steal all the good nicknames and I wanna give you a cute one too," He said with a small whine.

"Okay precious," I grinned, making him slap my chest lightly.

"Stop it hyung!"


"Cool then I'll make you stop,"He said, and I gave him a challenging look.

That was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life.

He wriggled down to get comfortable in his position, making me see white for a moment, and leaned down to start a kiss, slowly moving against my lips, hands running up my chest and pulling me up by the shirt. Reflexively, I put my hands around his waist as he leaned in closer and closer, adjusting his position ever so often on my lap.

I clung onto the back of his shirt, one hand moving to his hair, pulling on it slightly, making him gasp, opening his mouth wider, allowing me access.

"Hh-ah hyung~"He choked out against my lips, riling me up, making me want to take the small step over the heated session to something more, but I restrained myself, humming against his lips as he let out a second moan into my mouth.

I pulled away immediately, wanting to keep my senses, and made Jimin, who was a bit gone by now, whine and lean in to reignite the fiery kiss again.

But I stopped him, feigning a little tiredness.

"I'm tired Jimin-ah, cuddles?" I asked, falling back onto the couch.

His gaze softened, going from the dark, lust full look to his usual innocent eyes.

"Okay!" He chirped, landing on my chest with a soft thud. He shifted once, a frown forming on his lips, and shifted again.

Closing my eyes, I whispered through gritted teeth " Jimin? Love? Stop fidgeting,"

He shifted once again, making me clench my fists.

"Hyung?" He said, wide eyes looking into mine with concern. He shifted a bit again, adjusting his pants a little. "Something's wrong,"

I snapped to attention, immediately inspecting his eyes and face and temperature for any sign of sickness. "What's it love?"

He got up from the couch standing uncomfortably.

"Did you get a cramp?" I asked, eyeing him with concern.

"Do privates get cramps?" He asked, pointing towards his pants, which had tightened considerably around his waist. I gulped, head blanking for a second and then quickly responded, "No no that's not a cramp, uuuuuuh- you just need a cold bath Jimin,"

"A cold bath?"

"Yep, okay? Quick fix. Just take an ice cold bath and don't touch it," I instructed, and he nodded frantically. Eyes going even wider. "Do not touch. Got it,"

"Yep otherwise it'll get worse,"

He swallowed, tears coming to his eyes. "Hyung..."

"Don't worry okay? It'll go away okay?" I said pecking his lips briefly and sending him into his room.

"Hyung" He said pointing to me as well.

"I know Jimin. Cold bath for me too,"

a/n : LOL. A bit of craze before angst. :)

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