🌧? ~cliche~ kirisima x reader

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The song is cliche, (I mean duhh, dum dum author.)
By mxmtoon.

~1853 words~

I walked into the room and then I saw your face
You looked me in the eye
And then I wanted to erase myself
Erase myself

It was the first day of school, I walked in and I knew nO onE...
I was all alone.

I slowly tiptoed my way into class 1a the class where I would spend the rest of my year.

As soon I crossed the line of the safe empty hallway and the dangerous full classroom, I locked eyes with a red headed boy.

He smiled with very sharp teeth creating something that made me lose my fear of sharks.



I didn't wanna fall but then I stepped right in
I looked down at the ground
And then I felt it right within
It was too late for me

He turned back the other two boys he was talking to and continued their conversation.

I walked to the back of the class and took a seat, nobody was back there currently it made me feel safer.

I just rested my head on the desk hoping for class to start soon, when a curious red head tapped on my shoulder.

You took a step forward and tilted your head
With a curious glance you stared
And I felt dead
Oh my god, I think i'm dying

As soon as I saw his face I flushed red and did a weird wave.

Seeing my weird stunt his face turned a slight shade of pink as he giggled.

You said hey
And I said hello
What's your name?
I'd really like to know about you
Too bad I stopped at hello

"Hi my name is kirisima Eijiro!"

"I.. uh. Hello my names.. L/n um..

(I'm sorry I'm trying to symbolize a shy person without 7 million stutter points, not that it's bad to do that or anything!)

I just stared
And you grinned
And looked right back
It felt like just one big whirlwind
One big emotional whirlwind

His smile.. is one of the best smiles.. ever..

Sorry not just freaking out over him talking to me or anything.

I felt butterflies in my belly while he walked away.

My heart started beating really fast, and I debated going to the nurse.

But a few seconds later I realized I was dumb and my heart just thought he was cute..

Over the next few days we got to talking
With every single word I started falling farther
Farther and farther for you

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