~Scavenger Hunt~ Denki x shy!reader

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i will do an uwu time later.
you will see what that is later.

~Denki POV~

"yo! Kirishima, Sero wait up!" I yelled running out of class.
it was the end of the day and the Bakusquad was going to train together afterschool so I was running to catch up with them.

I was going to put on my shoes fast, but when I opened the little locker I saw a white envelope with a heart sticker as its sealant.

I had to scan it for a minute before I knew what it was.

I opened it up to see a note.

'Dear Denki Kaminari,
I am your secret admirer. I know cheesy but I'm a wuss when it comes to confessing. I have liked you for awhile now, and I want to give you letters to show my love for you. ew gross this is so cheesy its making me lactose intolerant. have a good day!

your secret admirer'

I felt my face get a little red. 'whAt sOmeoNe liKes mE?'

"Kaminari! what's taking so long?" I heard Sero yell from outside.

"I'm coming! chill out!"


over the next few weeks I got tons of notes and even some chocolates from this secret admirer.

I used to get them everyday but I haven't got one in at least a week. I was starting to get confused, luckily when I opened the locker I saw a small note.

'where words are kept on pages in tons, a place for study and fun.'

now I was super confused. no letters for a week and then a random poem?

I went to ask sero about it since he allready new about them.

"it sounds like a clue." he said

"a clue? but why a clue?"

"maybe they're trying to reveal who they are?" sero responded.

"what do you think the clue is for?" I asked "dont know.. might want to ask someone smart like Momo or Todoroki." I knew he wouldn't have an answer.

after class was over I went up to momo because I knew she would actually help me.

"you just have to analyze it word for word. 'where words are kept on pages in tons' what object can have alot of pages and words?" it really just sounded like she was trying to make me feel stupid.

"uh.. a book..?"

"correct! now what's a place where books are kept that you can also study?"

"a library.."
I hate when shes smart.

"that is where I would check first." so I went to the library.

as soon as I stepped my foot into the room the librarian ran up to me and gave me a piece of paper.

'great you figured out my clue! don't worry I will go easy on you this time.

My Hero Academia Oneshots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن