Chapter Four

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It's another day, Jane heads to my house early that morning. She came into my room to meet my sleeping body snoring on my bed.
"He's sleeping, I almost feel bad about doing this."
She picks up my bag looking for something and brings out a taser and pokes me with it.
"Ow!," I yelled once I woke up,"what was that for?"
"You can't be sleeping now when there's are psycho gronckonians that have a bounty on our heads."
"Bounty? What are you talking about?" I say rubbing my eyes with my hand.
"This." She hands me a tab. "Zardon put a bounty on our heads."
"It doesn't make sense."
"Zardon needs us alive, so why will he put a bounty on us."
"I don't know, why don't you ask him yourself."
I look at her to detect no form of sarcasm in her words.
"What do you mean?"
"Some guys came over, from our dads team, saying that Zardon wants a word with us."
"The old abandoned church on the east wing of the city."
"OK, grab your things, let's go."
"Scott, the men didn't come to give us the info so we'll go, he gave us so we won't go."
"C'mon, not like we have anything better to do. Well, me of course, I don't go to school anymore."
"Actually you do."
"My dad had my school run by one of his friends in case something like this happens."
"The school is meant for both species, and my dad wants you to go with me to school."
"Great, just what we need right now. School!"
"I get you've not really been find of school but trust me, you'll love this one. It was meant for us."
"Fine whatever."


At the school everyone seemed friendly, maybe because if this was a school for aliens. They must now my dad and Jane's dad too. In the alien world, our dads were important people on their and also as children of Kar-Dehl, my grandfather, he was man of great things while he lived.
I headed towards the principles office to check in as a new student, get my classes and so on.
"Mr. Andrews, I've been expecting you for a while now. As you know I'm good friends with your dad and he is the one that set me up with all this. So you better appreciate him for it."
"Yeah, can I just have my classes now?"
"Sure." He turns to his computer on the desk to check me in, "OK, here you go."
He hands me a paper, on it were the classes I would be taking."
I nodded at him and left his office, Jane had already gone for her classes. I walked down the hall, as I'm about to open the door I remembered what happened at my previous school and I hesitated and stood there thinking if I should.


Meanwhile at the old abandoned church, Seth stood at the top floor looking down at the city. There were other people there, most likely to be his goons.
One of them walks up to him
"How are you sure he's gonna come?"
"Have patience, he'll be here. Give it time."
"Time is something we don't have. You know what, something tells me your just trying to stall so you don't have to go to Zardon and tell him that you failed."
"And why would I do that!"
"Because you're afraid of him, what else?"
"I don't fear anyone! Hope you can get that into your empty drum of a head. Now! If you don't want to know what it's like to go to hell and back I suggest you back away, now!"
"Alright." He turns around and moves back to where he came. But he stops and notices Zardon had turn back to look down at the city again.
I had used the opportunity of everyone being in classes to come down there, I moved in a broken part of the wall, looking at them trying to see if I could identify any of them or even try to remember their face for later when I get out if here or if I get out of here.
Most of the faces I saw, I couldn't remember seeing them before, some I haven't seen before but their face were impossible for anyone to forget, they had different kinds of scars, bruises and tattoo. I keep on looking around when I felt a touch on my left shoulder and quickly turn around to give the person a really hard punch but the person caught my hand, I kept struggling, not recognizing that the person said something, I then realized that the voice sound familiar, I look up at the figure to see Jane trying to signal me to keep me quiet.
"What are you doing here?" I whisper once she let's go of my arm forcefully.
"I should be asking you that."
"What are you talking about?"
"Seriously Scott, sneaking out of school to come spy on some goofballs."
"How... How did you even know where I was?"
"Once teacher came looking for you in my class it kind of figured that you would come here."
"That's great but I need you to leave."
"No I'm not leaving without you."
"I don't know, maybe because if they find you you're dead."
"No they won't kill me, they need me alive."
"Scott, think, if Zardon finds you they are able to use the ship get back to Gronck and get more rogue soldiers like Ber-serkh back here and destroy thus planet."
I feel that her speech or whatever was just meaningless and scoff at her.
"Oh no you did not just roll your eye at me."
She grabs my ear and begins to drag it like tape measure. I couldn't help the pain and let out a groan.
The rogues around heard it and were coming close to us to find out what made the noise.
"Look what you've done." Jane whispers in my ear before punching me on the arm.
"What I've done? Forget it, we got to think of a plan to get out of here fast."
"Maybe I got one."
"Great what is it?"
"You see that window over there once I throw this stone at that shelf over there, we head for that window."
"Then what?"
"Um.. We jump."
"OK, not liking your plan so much."
"Relax, I scoped this building before getting in here, there's a dumpster below that window."
"So we'll smell like Saturdays lunch leftovers at school."
"Well, we can't go back to school now or its detention."
"Still not liking your plan."
"Too bad, get ready."
She signals me and throws the rock at the shlef that makes a loud noise, the soldiers who were almost about to open the curtains that covered the broken wall we hid in turned to face the shelf and check what hit it. Without hesitation we ran for the window and jumped out, the building was two stories high and as predicted by Jane we landed in a dumpster below us.
The soldiers heard the noise and rushed down to the window but by the time they got there we had already gotten out and run away.
We made it back to my house and met my mom just coming back from the grocery shop.
"Scott, Jane, what are you guys doing here." She says as we barge in through the door.
"I'd like to know that too." I say trying to catch my breath."
"Oh shut up, if you hadn't sneaked out of school in the first place we wouldn't be here." Jane says walking to the side of my mom
"Well, I didn't ask you to come look for me."
"I saved you."
"I wouldn't need saving if you didn't come interfering."
"Interfering, oh that's what I was doing? I come to save you and that's all I get."
"Maybe I'll be a little grateful for saving me if you'd just leave at that and stop acting like a little bitch about it!"
"I guess I know where I'm not needed." She says leaving.
"Jane, come back, Jane!" My mother tries to yell after her.
She turns to me with anger in her eyes.
"What was that about?"
"OK, what did I hear about you skipping school."

"Like I said it's nothing." I leave for my room.
"Uh... What am I going to do with that boy."


Meanwhile back at the old church, some of the soldiers saw us running away from the church reported to Ber-serkh.
"They got away, sir."
"Excuse me?"
"No." He says turning around to face him.
"I don't understand."
"He didn't get away."
"You lost him."
"There's a difference, him getting away is you tried everything in your power, your artillery to get him but he overpowered you with his friends and family then can you say he got away, but when you don't do anything but let him escape, then what's that called?"
"Sir we'll get him back."
"Don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Pledge your service to me, I'm not your sir or boss. Zardon is."


Meanwhile back at my house I lay on my bed trying to think what my next course of action should be.
"The WCPD mainframe!"
I just remembered my father had access to the WCPD criminal database in his computer. The only problem, its in his room. How will I get it without having to deal with my mom.
'I can help you.'
"You, you're the um... Lupacapra right?"
'Hm... Look at who's becoming a smart one.'
"You know for an ancient force of power, you really have a tripping mouth."
'Forget about that, you need your dads laptop and I can help.'
"Why would you help me."
'You keep forgetting, I, the Lupacapra is bound to obey and help the host no matter what. '
"OK, how are you gonna help me?"
'You feel her phone. '
"Um... I do, how?"
'Don't worry about it. '
My mom's phone begins to ring, I head to my door and put my ear on it to hear the call.
"Hello..." My mom said."... Dr?"... Now?"... Are you sure?"... "Alright I'm on my way."
I heard her footsteps coming to my room. I move away from the door and sit at my table.
She entered my room and looked at me.
"Scott, I'm going to the hospital, Dr. Russell said that there was an urgent need for me to have a checkup now."
"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I'm serious."
She gets her coat and leaves, once I knew the sound of her car had gone. I headed for her room, opened the door, and pulled out dads computer.
I put it on.
"What the hell."
There was a password, and if anything it wasn't me. I tried different possible passwords like my mom, my date if birth, his birthday and so on.
I almost gave up on it until I looked at the wallpaper, I hadn't noticed it before. It was the emblem of Gronckonian elite faction that our family was born into.
"It worked!"
I opened the WCPD database and began to scroll through criminal records within the period of now and Zardon's return.
There were too many to look over now, I sent the files to my laptop, put off my dad's computer and left their room.







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