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Mitsuki tensed involuntarily at Boruto's question. Gruesome memories of blood and faded gold flashed through his mind. It was too real. Every time he closed his eyes blank blue was there to meet him. His hands were starting to feel sticky from blood but with a great effort, he pushed the memories away. How could he begin to explain this to Boruto?

"Hey," Boruto said. A warm hand was on his, interrupting his healing. What was he doing? He wasn't fully healed yet! Mitsuki opened his mouth to protest but another warm hand was suddenly on his face, gently moving his head until he was looking into vibrant blue eyes. "You know you can tell me anything." Boruto finished. He was beautiful, so beautiful it was heartbreaking and he was alive! His face glowed with it; his eyes twinkled with it. Life flowed through the hand holding his face, and he could stand it no longer. He felt his hastily built internal walls crumble before the light of his Sun.

"Boruto..." He touched the hand on his face and indulged, pressing his cheek into the palm, savoring the life he felt there. "Boruto..." He whispered again as he just barely pressed his lips to Boruto's wrist, drinking in his warmth, the proof of life. This life was everything to Mitsuki; more precious than the air he breathed, more precious even than his own life. Without this life, there was nothing for him.

"Please, tell me what happened." Boruto pleaded, starting to sound desperate. Mitsuki paused, drawn out of his Sun worship by those icy memories. He didn't want to think about it, but he couldn't refuse his Sun any longer. He couldn't say it like this. He wouldn't defile Boruto's pure life energy pulsing against his lips with the filth of that night. He moved Boruto's hand to his lap where he held it reverently in his own. He couldn't look Boruto in the eyes but somehow, he found the strength.

"I... I lost you. You died in my arms, Boruto." Mitsuki paused, the memory making him shake from head to toe.

"It's ok, Mitsuki. I'm here." Boruto said with gentleness he didn't deserve. Mitsuki squeezed Boruto's hand for strength and pressed ahead again.

"Then I..." His voice faltered and he broke into a cold sweat. He dropped Boruto's hand. He had no right to touch his Sun. The shaking got more violent as the cold returned and spread.

"I almost killed you, with my own hands..." He stared at his hands, horror fueling the tremors.

"You didn't know. It wasn't your fault-" Boruto tried again but Mitsuki cut him off.

"Yes it was!" He exploded, his eyes snapping back to Boruto's face as the stress, fear and regret escaped all at once. Why was Boruto always so kind to him? He had almost killed him, damn it! He would have done it too if it hadn't been for Sarada. "I should have known it was a genjutsu but I didn't and because of me, you almost died!" Mitsuki looked away again, losing steam. He was ashamed of his outburst but Boruto had to understand.

"Mituski! It really is ok. I didn't die and that's all that matters."

"Why do you always forgive me? I have no right to stay by your side! I hurt you again! One day, I might really..." He couldn't finish. He hated himself. He would never forgive himself and he did not deserve Boruto's forgiveness.

"That won't happen." Bortuto said firmly. "I want you to stay because you're..." Boruto paused, struggling to find the words. "... special, to me." That shocked Mitsuki. It had to be too good to be true. Once again, he had betrayed his beautiful Sun and once again, he was refusing to send him away. He looked up to stare in open wonder at Boruto. The look he gave Mitsuki was so soft and affectionate, it touched him to his very depths. Boruto truly was amazing.

He was not expecting what happened next. Boruto was touching his face again, then his face was moving closer. Soft lips touched his, light and apprehensive but full of unspoken tenderness and affection. Then it was over and Boruto was pulling away, his face glowing red. Mitsuki was floored; absolutely floored. His face must have reflected his shock because suddenly Boruto seemed unsure. He pulled back his hand and scratched the back of his head nervously.

Mitsuki wanted to move but found that he couldn't. He was just so stunned. He loved Boruto with all his heart; there was no doubt about that, but never did he think that Boruto would feel the same. He had contented himself with being close to Boruto. He was fine with being a friend, hoped he could be his very closest friend but he had never expected this. Boruto was too bright, too beautiful, it was right for him to be beyond his reach.

"Anyway... we should get some rest." Boruto was looking anywhere but at Mitsuki. He raised a disbelieving hand to his still-tingling lips. It was starting to sink in but he still couldn't quite believe it; his Sun had kissed him! Was this what Boruto wanted? Could he really have what he craved more than anything? It was starting to look like it but should he, that was the real question. His resolve to keep distance was crumbling faster by the second, dissolving in the Boruto's radiant light. Mitsuki was worried he wouldn't be able to protect him properly if they continued to get closer but, if this was really what Boruto wanted, he knew he wouldn't be able to refuse him.

"Aww... shit." Boruto lamented and threw himself down on his futon. He was upset. Mitsuki thought fast, trying to figure out what was going on. Did his lack of an immediate response mean he wasn't interested? His heart sped up as he quickly tried to think of what he was supposed to do. Where was ChoCho when he needed her. This was her favorite topic, judging how she spoke of little else.

Boruto rolled away from him on his futon, making Mitsuki start to grow desperate. He had no idea what he was supposed to do. Boruto had decided to show him how he felt instead of talking, which he was grateful for. Maybe, he should do the same. Quietly, he moved to Boruto's futon and laid down facing his golden Sun who was laying with his head resting on his arm and his eyes tightly shut.

"Boruto?" Mitsuki asked tentatively. No response. Boruto was blushing from his neck to his hairline and looked upset.

"Boruto?" Mitsuki tried again. Still nothing. Mitsuki was determined not to let this end here. If this was truly an opportunity to seize his Sun then he wasn't going to let it slip by. Perhaps bold was best here. He placed his hand on Boruto's cheek to hold him still. Blue eyes snapped open automatically from his touch, apprehension radiating from every line on his face. Boruto tried to jerk away but Mitsuki was undeterred. He pressed in and connected their lips in a true but light kiss. If Boruto was conflicted in any way about how he felt, then slow was the best course of action. Still, he left no doubt about what he felt for his Sun in this short but sweet kiss. To his delight, Boruto did not reject him. He even returned it, if only a little. It was over too soon but it was a wonderful first step. Mitsuki pulled back and smiled at his Sun, his heart singing with love and happiness.

"You really are amazing, Boruto, my precious Sun."


Morning came bright and happy if only a little too soon. Mitsuki's heart sang with the birds in the courtyard. Boruto was snuggled under his chin, curled contentedly in his arms. His soft, even breathing tickled the fine hair on Mitsuki's neck. He had been exhausted, falling asleep almost immediately after their kiss. At first he had looked at Mitsuki with glassy blue-eyed wonder. Then he had hugged Mitsuki to himself and passed out, his exhaustion finally catching up with him. If Mitsuki were honest, he was exhausted too. He returned Boruto's embrace tenderly, kissed his forehead and buried his face in those beautiful golden waves. There, feeling more full and content than ever before, he succumbed to his own exhaustion. He slept peacefully, undisturbed by nightmares. Such things were not possible with his Sun so close. Instead, his dreams were full of golden sunshine and Boruto's smile.

The birds had woken him just after dawn with their joyful song. He felt fully refreshed even though the hours had been few. Boruto continued to sleep peacefully on in almost the exact same position he had fallen asleep in. Mitsiki held him in a loving embrace, contentedly watching his Sun sleep. He savored the warmth of his body and the feel of his heartbeat against his chest. The energy in the Inn started to rise as others rose and started to prepare for their day. Mitsuki knew soon Boruto would stir too, but for now he slept with a smile, safe in Mitsuki's embrace.

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