38 "Mr and Mrs Evans!"

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This is it! The last chapter... I'm so sad! But so happy that you all came on this journey with these characters.

I've loved reading each and every single comment loved receiving messages etc.

I can't believe how fast this has gone.

Shit! Now I'm going to cry!

I hope you all enjoy it, let me know.

Hunter's P.O.V

I pull the cigarette from my lips, inhaling deeply, letting the nicotine fill my lungs.

Emily will fucking kill me if she caught me smoking again so it's a good job she's down the hall with the girls getting ready and probably just as nervous as me.

My hands are shaking and my heart pounding, little beads of sweat gather in groups on my forehead and I dab them away with the towel before taking another drag from my cigarette.

Even when I was preparing to propose was I ever this nervous, it's a good kind though, the kind that makes you feel excited to live the rest of your life. The kind that makes the butterflies in your stomach jump around like there's a rave going on.

I stare down at my silver cufflinks Emily bought me and smile as I reminisce about when she gave me them.

It was Christmas time last year and she and Tara had been shopping. Emily was so excited to give me them that she threw tradition out of the window and gave me them then and there.

When I opened them, I was taken aback- still am- at the writing that adorned each one.

Always yours.

Still to this day, it blows my mind that my sweet, beautiful, kind and caring Emily would ever choose a guy like me.

There's a knock on the door and it opens as Devon and Declyn pop their heads around the corner.

"You ready?" Dec asks looking at me seriously.

I stub out my cigarette, down the small glass of liquid courage on the table and stand up. "Hell yes!" I state deciding I need to marry Emily Carter before she comes to her senses, realises how much better she can do and does a runner.


Emily's P.O.V

My insides are doing somersaults as I gawk at the girl in the mirror. This can't be me, she looks so happy and excited.

"You look beautiful Emily," Tara says as she kisses my cheek.

Eden is toddling around bored shitless but looking so gorgeous in her little cream dress and her dark hair in pigtails.

I feel like I want to throw up... But in a good way. I've never been so nervous in my life, exciting anticipation runs through my veins and I catch myself on a few different occasions bobbing up and down on the balls of my feet.

Everything is so new and it gives me a sense of relief as I realise that from this day forward, I'm going to be known as Mrs Emily Evans.

It reminds me that all the bad times are over. Everything we've ever been through in the past is exactly that... In the past.

From now on it's just me and Hunter, the love of my life and someday soon, baby Evans.

"Wow, Emily," Devon says entering the room. I didn't even realise he had knocked. "Hunter isn't going to know what's hit him. You look amazing"

"Thank you" I smile shyly as mom fusses around me, making sure my veil isn't ruffled and my dress is crease-free.

"You ready?" He asks and I take a deep breath with one last look in the mirror before taking his offered arm.

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