He scares me so

Ooh, I want him so

I love him so"

(Finn) "Okay, let's hear it for Tina. Yeah."

Well all clap for her and I look at Blaine again seeing if he finally realised what is going on and by the look on his face, no, he does not.

(Tina) "So... Blaine, will you go to the dance with me?"

I rube the back of my neck kind of feeling bad for her.

(Blaine) "Oh, uh... Wow, um, Tina... I don't know what to say. Um... no. Thank you, but no, no, thank you."



So apparently the girls performed a song and Marley asked Jake to the dance and Brittany asked Sam. Pretty obvious that was gonna happen. Sam and I were in the school library trying to find some evidence that the Warblers cheated and then I found something that could help.

(Mia) "Sam. Come look at this."

Sam rolls his chair over to me and looks at a photo I found.

(Mia) "This is Hunter Clarington 2 years ago. This is him now. He went from being a stick to really muscular and hot."

(Sam) "Human growth hormones!"

(Mia) "I am not the only one that didn't see Trent right? Round face guy?"

(Sam) "He totally wasn't there!"

(Mia) "We are kind of close maybe he might have some information that can back up our theory about them cheating!"

(Sam) "And then we can take their place at regionals!"

We high five each other. Sam goes off to do something and I look through photos doing some more research to get more evidence. I look up and see Noah walk through the Library door and up to me.

(Mia) "Noah? What are you doing here?"

(Noah) "Just came here to see the she-devil herself."

(Mia) "Ouch."

(Noah) "Not you beautiful, Kitty Wilde. Telling her to back off Jake."

(Mia) "Good idea."

(Noah) "What are you doing?"

(Mia) "Digging up dirt on the Warblers. I am trying to find evidence that the Warblers cheated at Sectionals. I know they did but nothing will happen unless I have proof."

(Noah) "This is a side of you I have not seen before. Dishing up dirt."

I laugh slightly at his comment. Sadie Hawkins dance...

(Mia) "Can I ask a question?"

(Noah) "Shoot."

(Mia) "Are you doing anything on Saturday because I was wondering if you would want to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with me. Do you?"

(Noah) "I am sorry Mia but I can't. I- "

(Mia) "It's fine. No need to explain. I need to go."

I turn off the computer and quickly pack up my stuff.

(Mia) "See ya Puckerman."

I quickly walk out the library. I walk down the halls and see Tina and Blaine sitting on the floor of an empty hallway.

(Mia) "Hey guys..."

(Blaine) "You ok?"

(Tina) "What's wrong?"

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