"It's a nice Spring day Ty, we should be getting out and getting some Vitamin C and D." Ali squeezed my arm, a quirk that she always had. "Am I wrong?"

"No, not at all my dear princess."

The cool AC air immediately washed away the humid Dallas heat as we entered the store. It looked the same- blue walls, jerseys, shirts, and hoodies all hanging around the store with some merchandise folded neatly on the tables. The store was playing some upbeat disco/house music. "Hi, welcome to Rally House!" A voice called from the corner. 

"Hi, do you guys have the new Stars' jerseys in stock?" Ali called out towards the register. "The black ones for the charity-"

"Yes, they're towards the back on your right hanging up. Let me know if you need help getting something down." The brunette helping Ali out looked painfully familiar. Her glance at me told me that she felt the same way, except the fact that she knew exactly who I was.

"Wait Gab, I don't think they're back there yet." 

Savannah. I knew her voice from a mile away. 

She emerged from the basketball aisle. "I didn't get a chance to hang them up yet, they're in stock in the back." She whipped her head towards me. "I can have her-"

She immediately stopped speaking. "Oh," she muttered. Her face went immediately red. "Tyler, it's good to see you."

As if I was still drunk from last night, I was struggling to find the right words to answer her. Savannah's hair was bone straight and still platinum, falling nearly above her waist. The black Rally House t-shirt uniforms made her hair and tan pop. She looked fucking amazing. "Yeah, it's good to see you too. I had fun last night." 

She raised her eyebrows out of surprise. "Oh, well that's good? I'm gla-"

"Ty, I can't find them, can you help me?" Ali then emerged from the Hockey section, walking past Savannah. "I thought they would be-" She turned and made eye contact with Savannah.

Soon, there was silence amongst all three of us. Ali gave me a look I deciphered immediately. 

"Oh yes, Ali, this is Savannah. You remember Savannah. Savannah this is Ali. You know, at Julia's wedding."

Sav slowly nodded her head, searching for words to say. 

"Yeah, she called me a whore. How could I forget her?" Ali barked.

"Ali." I snapped. "Really?"

She gave me a defiant look before reeling it in. "You're right, forgive me. It's nice to officially meet you Savannah."

"Yeah, right. Let me know if you guys need anything." Sav turned away to disperse once again into the basketball section.

"Wait yes, actually I do. I need the Stars' jerseys, the new ones. That support that charity. You know what I'm talking about?"

Sav slowly turned back around to face Ali. "Yes, of course. Any specific player and size you want?"

Ali laughed and pointed towards me. "Before they sell out of course. And a small please, I don't want it too heavy and hot on me."

Sav scoffed before disappearing. The brunette who I now remembered as Gabby flashed her a concerned look as she went into the back stock room. 

"I thought she models?" Ali asked. 

"She does. I don't know why she's here." I answered. Ali flashed me a cynical look as she looked around. "What's with that face?"

"You know how I feel about her, Ty."

"Well, I didn't know she was going to be here."

"I have your jersey, Ali." Savannah nearly spat. She immediately rang it up. "Total is $69.75. Cash or credit?"


The tension between the two was thicker than Ali's oatmeal she ate that morning. Despite the drama, I couldn't help but fucking stare at Sav and her bone straight hair. She was gorgeous. They must've been taking care of her at this Joyix place. "Sav, your hair looks good straight, I like it. Did you dye it?" I blurted out.

She flashed me a painful look as she bagged Ali's jersey. "Thanks, Tyler. Have a nice day." She handed Ali the bag before leaving the counter to return to her basketball duties. I stood there, dumbfounded as Ali gave me a very hateful look.


"Your hair looks good straight", Ali quoted as we got into the car. "Are you fucking serious?"

"What do you want me to do Ali? Do you really think I expected to see her there? She's barely ever had straight hair when we were together, I can't fucking compliment her?"

"No, Tyler you can't. Not in front of your fucking current girlfriend. The audacity that you fucking have is ridiculous." She paused. "You sick fuck."

"What now?"

"Look at yourself, you're hard! You have a fucking boner because of this whore! You are seriously embarrassing, Tyler. I can't even go to support your team without your fucking dick pointing any which way like a compass! How do you think that makes me-"

"I'm still in fucking love with her Ali. There. I said it. I fucking love Savannah, and I'm sorry and I miss her. I'm sorry. This is what we talked about yesterday. About how I still look for her in you. I'm going to get a boner when I see her, I'm fucking sorry. I am. I don't know what either of you want me to do!" I punched my steering wheel, my anger getting ahold of me.

I immediately regretted what I said, as Ali sunk back into the passenger seat. My hard-on was unfortunately still throbbing. 

"Unbelievable." She muttered.

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