King George vs. William Fitzgerald

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1 year later

Every one of our heroes has settled down. Derek has found himself a beautiful Wife, name Lora Macintosh. William and Elizabeth married each other, and Lillie, well Lillie never found love again. William hears of the news about the challenge from King George and asks Elizabeth if he should go or not. She says only if she can go undercover and of course, William agrees. So he then tells Derek about what he is about to do.

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?! YOU KNOW IT'S A TRAP!" Derek exclaims to William.

"I know that it is a trap, Derek. Which is a little bit of why I am going," replies William.

"I don't know if I can go along with this plan, William. It just sounds risky."

"Since when have you counted the odds of these kinds of risks?"

"I always have, I just never said anything."

William just starts laughing and tells Derek that he is welcome anytime during this little adventure.

2 months later

William arrives in London where King George is relaxing in his castle.

"IN THE NAME OF THE IRON HILLS, LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!" William shouts out towards the lookout tower that is ahead of the castle. The man blows a cow horn to indicate that they are there. King George himself walks out to meet them.

"Well well well, look what we have here. A bunch of fools risking life and limb just to prove something that never happened," says King George, taunting them as he starts laughing.

William draws his sword and places it along King Georges's neck, "Oooh, you don't want to do that, boy!" says King George. "I could have your head for that!"

"This is a challenge, is it not?"

"Not now, William!" says Elizabeth under her breath.

"You should listen to her, AH..." says King George as he raises his chin in which William presses his mighty sword against the king's throat.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't lob off your head and stick on a pig pole?"

"Give me twenty minutes!"

King George retreats to put his gear on because he knows that he does not stand a chance without it. William puts his gear on which is lightweight and very maneuverable. He hopes that the king's heavyweight plate armor will slow him down and tire him quicker than it does Williams armor.

After his time is up, King George comes marching out with a couple of his men. He announces that the battle is to the death. 

William has two kinds of swords, one is a onehanded arming sword they call Anduril, another is an Elizabeth Rapier. He chooses Elizabeth Rapier as it is light and easy to wield whiles the King only has one sword, his Arming sword. He doesn't have a lighter sword because he is so used to charging into battle on a horse.

They count off ten paces then turn to each other and circle. William is taking a more defensive strategy so the king makes the first move. He runs towards William swings his sword and William directs it to the ground and maneuvers around him. Humiliated and angered the king rushes William again and William moves out of the way so easily he is just mocking him. Very angered and embarrassed the king starts taking a defensive posture and starts circling, copying every move William makes. William delivers a few jabs at his opponent but they were deflected, then he starts to put on the attack. He gives the king a couple of thrusts and slashes but none of them hit their mark.

He continues to do the same rhythm of attack and one thrust is what it took to take down the king, he gave the king a jab to the leg and it pierces a gap in between the armor and that takes his majesty down but his majesty gives William a good jab to the face causing him to stumble backward a little bit. His majesty calls for a respite. His majesty gets his wound bandaged, they then get shields and King George rushes immediately after the say that they are ready for battle once more. William drops his shield as he finds it uncomfortable to be wielding a heavy object with a lighter object.

King George swings his sword causing Williams sword to go flying, he then punches him with his shield, William trips over a tree root he then gets up and his majesty swings his sword which makes contact with Williams body, his majesty stands before him, hovering his sword over Williams's chest. His majesty gets ready to plunge his sword into his chest.

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