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Monday came before I knew it. My alarm happily reminded me so, as it continued blaring its annoying melody at me. I turned it off and sat up from my bed with a groan. I stayed up until almost at 1 AM last night working on writing some papers and taking some notes. It was several weeks into the semester and close to midterm season, and I was already swamped with work. 

It was already 7:10 AM, so I scrambled out of bed to get dressed. I must have pressed the snooze button more times than I should have. Whoops. 

Jenna was still asleep since she had afternoon classes, so I tried to be as quiet as possible. I pulled open one of my drawers and took out the first thing I saw. A simple t-shirt with a graphic design from Uniqlo. I took out a pair of jeans as well and put them both on. I know there are some people who put a lot of effort in how they dress on campus with dresses and skirts but I am just too tired and lazy to go all out. I get some socks too and hurry out to the bathroom hoping no one was using it.  

Luckily, it was empty and so I went in to do my business. Brushing and all that good stuff. I considered dabbing on some makeup but I rarely ever put that stuff on. It's not only bad for your skin but I am not even skilled in doing it. I don't understand how some girls can make the time to do it every morning. I rather get extra minutes of beauty sleep.

I make a quick sandwich in the kitchen and eat it just as quick, taking big bites and swallowing the dry concoction with some water. Sandwiches can be so dry, I think to myself when I almost choked. 

The clock read that it was only 7:40 AM so I still had time before leaving for campus. I went to brush and floss and then went to my room to check my emails and do some work. 

Daisy had finally responded early this morning with the number of the reserved room for my tutoring session today. She hadn't answered since I replied on Friday, the day of my interview, since she rarely ever checked her inbox over the weekends. 

I make note of the room number and continue working on what I was doing last night. Papers are such a pain in the ass to start but once I get started, it is easier to keep adding things to it every day. 

I was so concentrated on adding sentences to my paper that I lost track of time. "Shit!" I exclaimed seeing that it was already 8:40 AM. How did I even lose track of time? This rarely ever happened to me. I quickly put my laptop to sleep, slipping it into its laptop bag, before grabbing my backpack and rushing out.


My apartment wasn't that far from campus, but it just had to be my luck that there was a car accident on the main intersection on the way there. I was stuck there for a good 15 minutes before the police cleared the wreckage up and the cars started moving forward again.

I let out an impatient groan and tried to move as fast as I could while driving safe. What terrible luck I have! I make it to the parking lot and fortunately, I was able to find a spot relatively close to the library. 

Turning off the engine of my car, I grabbed my things and made a run for the library. It was 8:55 AM. I had 5 minutes. I can make this, I repeat to myself several times as my breathing grows heavy from the sudden exercise. 

I grip on the straps of my backpack and speed up, seeing the library getting closer.

So close, I keep telling myself. You can do it.

When I am almost there, I slow down a little while taking out my phone to check the time. I take my eyes off my target on the library for merely a second to see that it was 8:58 AM, but it was already a second too long. 

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