Chapter Eleven

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Brayon's POV

I listen to my own heart beating softly, as I slowly open my heavy eyes to be greeted by darkness. I could feel that my wrists were free from the shackles, but my body was so numb I could hardly move it.

My eyes widen, I hear someone whisper but I couldn't make out what they were saying, again, I hear the whisper. It slowly gets louder as I hear more voices, it fades in then out, the eerie sound just keeps growing and growing, I hear more voices and it hurts! I want it to stop, I want them to stop, it's too loud.

I want so badly to cover my ears but I can hardly move anything, PLEASE SOMEONE! HELP! I scream in my mind in an attempt to speak, but nothing came out, I'd forgotten how to speak.

But still, every sense of what I could do didn't matter right now, I want them to stop shouting at me. I keep on screaming in my mind, screaming for them to stop, it hurts so badly.

"" I finally manage to get something to push past my lips and even as loud as the voices are it seems as though they heard me, they stopped.

I hear my voice echo in the darkroom as I sigh in relief, I listen to the cracks and how quiet I sounded. I look around the room and I begin to see ......faces? They are hard to see but then the light around them grew and I saw more and more faces.

I begin freaking out, it's them, the faces. My heart beats roughly against my chest and I could hear my frantic breathing, my body trembles, when will it stop hurting. I watch their faces carefully as they're the only thing I could focus on, the cracks, the doll masks, I remember every mask, I remember how they hunt me down in all of my nightmares, how everyone the catches me and drowned me in a tub, I remember how much I would kick and scream they would not stop.

The low rumbling of laughter begins, it only grows thought the room. I am scared.

Like ghosts they float in the air, black smoke emitting from their suited bodies, they start whispering again but softer. They rise higher in the air and all at once rushed towards me.

My burning eyes flew open, it was just a dream, another nightmare like the rest, but at least this time they didn't drown me.

No one's POV

The soft wind cruises through the thick forest and members of the pack were doing their regular route check, running through the woods making sure no one was trespassing.

The midday sun beams through the large windows of  Mark's office, the room is full of his family.

Mark sat in his chair behind his desk, his elbows rested in front of him on the desk, his fingers entwine as his large chin rest's on them, his brows furrowed as he thinks.

Olivia stands behind her husband, her hands massaging his tensed shoulders, her mind full of worry for her family and the level of stress that keeps growing.

Tom is pacing back and forth in front of his father's desk, his hands fidgeting behind his back. His wolf howls in frustration wondering when will it have its mate, thinking if it will ever get his mate as his stupid human already ruined the trust bond between them.

Axel sits on the couch bracing the wall opposite his parents, his hands stuck in his brown hair, his blue eyes shaded with red, anxiety and frustration biting him in his every thought. His wolf trying to claw its way to the surface, wanting to vent out his anger and confusion.

Axel's body starts to shake rapidly, his fingers gripping into his locks tighter, he listens to his parent's muffled voices as they talk. And in an instant he breaks, unable to hold his wolf back, his hands fly with a force onto the couch, the stinging sound catches the attention of everyone else in the room.

His bones cracking, clothes tearing, hair growing from his body, and his eyes turn black. He falls on all fours off the couch as his body finishes shifting, the low growling threatening everyone around him.

They watch the ashy black wolf as it stands as if it was threatened, " shhh... Sweety calms down" Olivia says.

" You're mother's right son, your too angry right now, shift back before you hurt someone," his father says.

Tom just stood watching not knowing how to react, his parents keep on trying to calm the wolf down by talking to him, but Anick's mind ( Axel's wolf) was wrapped in rage, all he wants to do is a vent.

How snaps his jaw at them as they try to get closer, he backs up more into the couch. His tail touches it, Anick leaps through the air and lands on Mark.

Mark handheld the wolf's face trying to hold off the snapping jaw from biting him, Tom wrap his arm around Anick's neck raising him off of their father.

The large wolf trying to break this hold ends up ramming Tom's back into the bookshelves, Tom grunts but doesn't let go of his brother, he shushes the creature in its ear.

" Calm down, I'm right here....... Can you hear me" Tom says but the creature still tries to break away.

" ANICK, LISTEN TO ME, I'm right here, I'm holding you, it's me, Tom," he says as the large wolf begins to calm down.

" That's it, shhhhhhhhh...." Tom continues to calm Anick.

Finally calming down his eyes shift back to blue as he shifts back in his brother's arm, and the two boys slide down unto the flour. The naked Axel's back presses against his brother's shirt, he begins tearing up and turns around and buries his face in the shirt.


" oh cupcake I don't think it's safe for you to play that game around me," Brayon said, and before she can even speak he smash his lips on hers and then kiss her neck. He presses their bodies together and begins grinding.

Brayon lets his lips graze up her neck to her ear, he nibbles on her lobe and then pulls it between his teeth. She shivers in his touch and as much as she would like to continue the Raven hair girl knew her task.

She places her hands on his neck and pushes his confused face in front of hers, "As much as I would love to continue with you I have yet to say what I came here for" she says as a smirk pulls from her thin faded black lips.

" What do you want, " Brayon asks impatiently, his deep curious voice sends a shiver up the raven-haired girl's back.

"Well we both want the same thing basically," she says.

" And what's that" Brayon notions.

" Well let's just say, I want to sabotage their chances to get back the sweet little fairy," she says, and begins twisting some strands around her finger again.

" What!? " Brayon says.

" Let's discuss shall we, " the raven girl says with a sadist look burning in he eyes.

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