Chapter Twenty Eight

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The brick Samuel was holding unto came apart as if the world slowed down, they both saw the dirt flying, their arms flailing, their breaths huffing into the air as they saw only a glimpse of light before the dust consume their figures.

The dust blinds them, all they could see was the tears forming in their eyes due to irritation. Samuel held unto Matt, who also does the same, both afraid to be alone at this moment. The air around them pushes and pulls them, they sway and bob around, like a Vsco girl's ponytail.

Soot flying into their faces, only their fingers left entwined as they spin. Samuel uses his strength to pull Matt into his chest, wrapping his long hands around the boy, holding unto him tight for dear life. Matt left terror-stricken as he grabs fistfuls of Samuels baby blue shirt. His eyes close tightly, nose rubbing into Samuel's diaphragm, the mournful cries still follows them as they descend into what they will never know......

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