.2. Too young

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🎶"They tell me I'm too young to understand. They say I'm caught up in a dream but life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes so that's fine by me."🎶

( AU The avengers don't know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man but he lives at the avenger's tower. Yet, nobody knows his identity)

Peter slept soundly in his room he never expected the Avengers to find out his identity they agreed that he wanted to keep it secret to keep the people he cares about safe. (Oddly enough they never questioned why he left every day with his school backpack they assumed he was in college and didn't stay at dorms.)


Peter heard a loud noise and woke up. Peter jumped out of bed to look for what caused it. He saw the window was wide open. "Huh?-" Peter asked confused. He tried to close it but before he did he felt something metal hit him in the back of the head. Peter collapsed and everything went black.

Hammer dragged the kid to the living room.

He hacked into FRIDAY and announced into everyone's rooms.

"Hello Avengers Wakey Wakey. Is this anyway to treat a guest!?" Hammer snickered and turned off the speaker. Suddenly one by one they came rushing out.

The man held a knife to Peters neck.

"I will slit his throat.... if you don't give me the blue prints to the iron man suit."

Peter suddenly began to wake up and the man shoved the knife into his thigh.

Still in a haze Peter let out a muffled scream he bit it back registering what was happening.

He slowly opened his brown doe eyes and looked at the Avengers in front of him their eyes widening.

"Spider-Man?!" They yelled in unison.

"What the fuck?! Tony did you know how young this kid was?." Captain screamed. Peter's ears began to ring and he felt blood pool out of his thigh.

"No.... I did not." Tony's eyes widened in shock. This is my fault I let a KID go out and play superhero. Tony shook his head.

"How old are you?.." Bruce asked rather calmly.

"15 s-sir." Peter wheezed slightly, he looked down at his thigh and wanted to gag. That's a lot of blood... He thought his muscles relaxing beneath him.

"ENOUGH with the small talk." Hammer yelled and raised the knife to Peter's abdomen.

"GIVE me the blue prints or the boy gets it!" He repeated sternly

"I-I can take It Mr. Stark." Peter said closing his eyes. He already felt a tad dizzy.

"Kid! No you can't you're to young.... to understand what this means. There isn't any second chances you get hurt POOF you die and there is no coming back! I don't know what little dream you're in but you can't do this...."  cap intervened.

Peter flinched and looked at him his eyes filled with understanding. He spoke with determination "Life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes.... so that's fine by me. With great power comes great responsibility."

The man brought the knife closer to Peter's chest. Peter punched him in the face with his super strength. In anger the guy stabbed his stomach. Peter's eyes widened and he pulled the knife out sliding it over to the team. He kicked the man flinging him against the wall and fell onto his knees sinking into the ground. He could feel the blood pooling beneath him like a river and his eyes clouding up. Peter smiled softly. He was keeping his family safe......

Nobody could debate although he is young... Peter Parker is a hero.

The End
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