Chapter 11: The Great Divide

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Here me and Aang were, trying to get food for us. Meanwhile, Katara and Sokka were arguing about their roles.

I saw Katara throw the sticks she collected and Sokka pull down the tent before I approached them.

"Guys, you really need to get along. If you don't like the way the other is doing things then maybe you should switch roles."

They both nodded, "Fine."

Aang walked over, "Wow, you're really good at getting them to cooperate."

I stretched my arms, "What can I say? I'm just doing avatar stuff."

The next day we packed up camp and continued walked. "Look, it's the great divide. The biggest canyon in the world."

"Wow, look Sokka, it's beautiful."

"I saw already."

Katara got frustrated again with her brother, "You barely even looked!"

"Yeah well we'll have plenty of time to look at it from above while flying on Appa."

Just then a man came running out from a bush, "If you're here for the tour guide, I was here first!"

"Tour guide?" Aang scratched his head.

"Yeah! You can't get across the canyon without him. And you guys better not take my place."

"Oh, it's you." We looked towards our right where we saw a tribe of people.

The man went up to them, "If you wanted to get across the canyon I was here first!"

"Oh then where's the rest of your tribe!?"

They both got into a heated argument when an earth bender moved some rocks and stepped up "Who's here for the tour?"

"We are!" The tribe of the Zhang's, as we knew it, stepped up.

"I was here first!" The Gan Jin man said.

"Well I can't lead a tribe that isn't here."

"Wait they're here!" We turned to see the rest of the Gan Jin tribe coming towards us.

I stepped between the two tribes, "We can just travel together okay?"

"No way are we traveling with the Gan Jin's!"

"Well we could say the same for you!"

"We have sick people!"

"We have elders!"

They threw insults back and forth at each other and I had enough of it. I once again stepped between them.

"Enough! Appa will take your sick people and your elders across, the rest of us can walk together!"

Both tribe leaders looked at each other for a minute before nodding and agreeing.

Me and Aang helped the sick and elderly onto Appa, "Take good care of him alright buddy?"

Appa licked Aang.

I patted Appa on the head, "We'll meet you at the other side as soon as we can."

Appa groaned as a goodbye and flew off.

We all started walking down into the canyon after abandoning all of our food. The guide helped earth bend where we couldn't walk.

When we got to the bottom he got rid of the paths he created to stop the fire nation from following us.

As the large cloud of dust from the rocks faded away, we saw what seemed to be a huge bug standing behind the guide.

Me, Katara, Aang, and Sokka all started fighting it, but it seemed to hold its ground pretty well.

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