Hidden Thoughts. -Sparia

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Spencer walked casually into the Montgomerys house. "Hi, Mrs. Montgomery," she waved as she slowly walked up the staircase. Ella smiled and greeted her in response. "She's not awake yet," Ella informed Spencer. "It's 7am," Spencer checked her wristwatch, "I told her to be ready by 7.30." She groaned and continued upstairs. Spencer walked into Arias room, quietly. "Gosh," she whispered to herself and hid in the corner of the room, if aria woke up. She wouldn't be able to see Spencer. Spencer pulled out her phone and texted Aria, "Ready? -S." Four seconds later, Arias phone vibrated and chimed, the vibration causing her to wake up. "Shit," Aria said to herself when she read the text. "Yeah. Can't decide which shoe to wear," she texted in response and shot out of bed. "I could help, but shoes should be the least of your worries. Unless you're planning on going for breakfast in boxers and a tank top?" Spencer came out of hiding. "Spence. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot," Aria jumped at the sound of Spencer's voice but quickly regained her composure. She rummaged around her wardrobe looking for clothing. "Hey. It's alright. None of you girls are usually awake before 10," She put her handbag on Arias desk then sat on her chair. "How about we have breakfast at 10?" Spencer looked at Aria who was as frantic as a fish out of water. Aria stopped and looked at Spencer, "Would it be okay with you?" "Yeah. I don't have reservations so I guess its alright." Spencer swirled around in the chair then stopped abruptly when she noticed Arias puppy dog eyes. "Okay. Okay. You can go back to sleep," She stood, grabbed her bag and headed to the door, "Call me when you're ready," Spencer opened the door. Aria closed the door, "You don't have to go." "Then what do you suppose I do? Watch you sleep?" "No, but you can join me. A little sleep won't kill you, will it?" Aria got into bed and tapped on it for Spencer to get in. Spencer shrugged then removed her shoes and placed her bag back on the desk, "Fine." "Wait. Before you get in, change into one of my Pjs. You know where they are," Aria nodded towards her drawers. Spencers hesitation caused Aria to sigh and get out of bed. "How about these?" She opened the third drawer and gave Spencer a boxer shorts with a matching vest. Spencer shrugged then removed her clothing. Aria giggled at Spencer. "You can't seriously be shy," She said when she noticed Spencer flush a light red. "I'm not shy," Spencer defended herself. Aria walked up to her and whispered, "Then I guess you won't be needing these. You don't mind, do you?" she grabbed the set of pyjamas and chucked them back into the drawer, leaving Spencer in her underwear. "No," Spencer gulped, "Dont mind at all." Aria laughed lightly, "uh huh. Sure," and she gently ushered Spencer to the bed. "Come on, the more time you waste, the less time we have to sleep," Aria said. "We're waking up at 9. Latest," Spencer frowned. "Yeah, we are," Aria snorted and got in next to Spencer. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Spencer raised an eyebrow. "Nothing. Now sleep," Aria pulled the comforter over them.

As soon as Aria was sure that Spencer was asleep, she propped herself up on her elbow and looked down at Spencer. Spencer was peaceful, she made quiet moans in her sleep, which Aria loved listening to. Everything was planned. Aria ran through her plans the night before. First, she'd complain that Spencer's always too busy for Sparia time. Knowing Spencer, she'd plan a day that would begin at around 8am. Much to Arias dismay, it was 7:30am. Nevertheless, with the plan she had, half an hour wouldn't be a huge problem. When Spencer came over to pick her up, she'd still pretend to be asleep. Thus making Spencer push the time to later that day. Aria would then insist on Spencer sleeping. Sounds creepy, but it was something Aria loved. She loved looking at Spencer. But she couldn't do it when Spencer was conscious, could she? Now she had the opportunity to do exactly that. She took in Spencers features. Her eyelashes, her nose, her mouth, the cleft in her chin, the way her hair cascaded around the pillow and over her chest. Arias eyes wandered to Spencers chest. Her breathing was even. She had her white laced strapless bra on, which fit around her breasts like a glove. Her skin was a mix between a creamy and a milky white. Aria resisted the urge to caress Spencer's skin. To run her fingers along Spencer's barely visible ribs. Aria closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, if she doesn't do it now, there's no telling if she'd ever do it. But she had no guts. 'Do it,' She thought to herself. 'Or should I take vodka for courage?' She questioned. Yes. Definitely need the courage. Aria slowly turned around to her bedside table and opened the drawer. Only to remove a tiny bottle of vodka, enough for courage, she told herself. She quickly downed it and turned over to Spencer, waiting for the vodka to kick in. A few minutes later, it struck. "Well, finally," She whispered to herself. She looked at Spencer and began. Her fingers touched Spencer's cheek, lips, chin, then made it further south. Slowly caressing Spencer's chest, stopping when her fingers touched her bra, and continuing a few seconds later, over her ribs. Aria began to get a bit impatient. So she sat up and started leaving a small trail of kisses from Spencer's belly button right up to her neck. She paused before inhaling deeply. "Fuck," She said under her breath, enjoying the scent. Aria moved herself to her original position but kept herself buried in Spencers neck. She draped her arm over Spencer's stomach, alcohol finally making her sleepy.

An hour later, Spencer woke up to an empty bed. She assumed Aria was in the shower, so she got out of bed and put on her clothes. She used this time to reflect on what happened a while ago. She was on the verge of falling asleep when she felt the before slightly. She opened her eyes to see Arias back turned towards her. Assuming it was nothing, Spencer closed her eyes again. Less than 6 minutes later, she heard Aria whisper, "Well, Finally." She felt Arias touch that started from her cheek and made its way down to her ribs. The bed moved again. Spencer decided against waking up, knowing that if she did wake up, she wouldn't know what to do. She felt light kisses on her body. Then, Aria got to her neck. She heard the deep inhalation which was followed by Arias moan, "Fuck." That was it. Spencer paced around the room. She had a few questions that swirled like a tornado in her head. One, What was Aria thinking? Two, Should she tell Aria that she, was in fact, awake? Three, is Aria gay? Four, if she is, does this mean Spencer's an experiment or does Aria really have feelings for her? Five, was Spencer interested in starting a relationship with a girl? And not just any girl, Aria? Because as far she knows, Spencer is straight. Those were just a few questions that she could make sense of. Aria walked out the bathroom and into her room, wrapped in a towel. "You don't have to turn away," she rolled her eyes.

"Cheese Burger with extra fries and a water, please," Aria ordered. "I'll have the Chefs special with a salad and water. Thank you," Spencer told the waitress. "I always get the chefs special. He's a professional so he knows whats the best meals around here," Spencer closed her menu and placed it on the side of the table. "So uhm," Spencer started, unsure of how to handle the situation at hand. "How are things with Ezra going?" She asked. Arias eyes avoided the gaze of Spencer. "It's alright. I mean, I told you guys we're not getting back together. Why?" she shrugged, trying to figure out why Spencer would ask after four months. "Just asking. You two were perfect for each other. And you didn't tell us what exactly happened," Spencer rested her chin on her left wrist that she had propped up. "Dont get me wrong, we still love each other-" Aria said. Spencer cut her off, "Then why not get back together?" She pushed, a bit too harshly. Arias attention moved from the passing cars outside to Spencers burning eyes. "Irreconcilable differences," She said in a tone that was just as harsh. Spencer scoffed. Of course they had irreconcilable differences. "Sorry, am I missing something?" Aria raised her voice a little. Spencer didn't need to handle it this way. She knew it. "Excuse me," Spencer said and walked outside. She saw a gas station at the end of the road, thought about walking but then settled on taking a one minute drive. She drove up to be station and parked at the entrance of the shop. She hurried out, purchased a box of cigarettes and a lighter, got into her car and drove back to the restaurant. Spencer walked into the alleyway and hastily opened the box. Her subconscious forbid her to light and smoke the cigarette, but she wasn't listening to herself this time. She already convinced herself that this would at least ease her mind. She lit the cigarette and took it out of her mouth. Spencer looked at it then went right on to smoking. After smoking the whole thing, she hurried to her car and dabbed perfume onto herself. "Back," she smiled widely to Aria. A bit too wide for her liking. Aria gave her a confused glance. "Look, I'm sorry," Spencer said, "It's just that a situation has arised and I don't know how to approach it. I'm sorry for having an outburst," She said calmly. "It's alright," Aria said, softly. "Where'd you go, anyway?" Aria asked. "Not really important," Spencer hesitated. Their meals had arrived, a relief to Spencer because she honestly didn't know what to say anymore.

"Hey Em," Spencer greeted as she walked closer to Emily who was, as promised, sitting on the park bench. It was around 6pm. After having brunch with Aria, Spencer called Emily who told her to go on with her day with Aria as normal, and she'd meet up with Spencer later in the day to discuss things. It seemed to go well, Spencer and Aria caught a movie, went ice skating and had dinner at the Hastings. "Hi," Emily stood to hug Spencer. Spencer explained the situation to Emily before bursting into tears. "I don't want to lose her," Spencer cried. "Spence," Emily said and pulled her into her warm embrace, "Everything will be okay. You just need time. Time to think," She reassured her. "Does Hanna know?" Emily asked. "No. I tried calling, she was with Caleb so I didn't want to disturb her," Spencer said. Emily sighed, "How do you feel about Aria?" "I don't know. I haven't exactly had the time to think about it." "Talk to her, she's your best friend. The least you could do to help her or help yourself is confronting the situation. If you're going to avoid it, that'll make her assume things and it will cost you your friendship with her," Emily advised. "You're right. I don't know how to," Spencer sniffled. "As soon as you had time to think things through, you'd know exactly how to say what you need to," "Thanks, Em," Spencer smiled.

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