The Parcel, Part 2. -Ezria

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"If it isn't any trouble, then I don't mind," Aria said. Ezra shook his head, "No trouble at all. You can take my room. I'll take the couch," he said. He would've given her the spare room but he already gave it to Tess. An hour later, Arias clothes were in the washing machine and she was wearing Ezras Hollis shirt with his boxers. She tried to think of what it felt like to wear his clothes again, but the feeling was burried deep under the hurt she felt. Ezra looked up from his marking but didn't say anything. Thoughts were running through his head. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "I'm heading to bed. We have an early start tomorrow. Goodnight," Aria said. He nodded, "I'd be sleeping soon. Goodnight, Aria," He whispered her name.

The next morning was hectic. Aria woke up and knelt on the door frame to Penelopes bathroom, she heard them singing, she couldn't resist. They were both jamming to Maroon 5s Girls Like You. Ezra and Penelope were brushing their teeth, so you can imagine what their singing sounded like. Nevertheless, Aria thought it was adorable. After their teeth, Ezra washed up and dried his hands, then took his place behind Penelope. She stood on her step stool looking into the mirror. He undid her messy hair and gently brushed through it with a comb. "School said that girls should have ribbons on their hair," Ezra huffed. He knew how to set her hair, he's been doing it all her life, just not with a ribbon. The ribbon slipped through her hair for the 4th time before Aria finally caved. "Let me," She smiled. He handed her the ribbon. In a few swift moves, Aria was done. Ezra stood there in awe. "Thank you, Aunt Aria," Penelope kissed Arias cheek, got down from her chair and hurried to the kitchen to eat. "She's sweet," Aria grinned and followed the little girl.

"Sweetie, you'll be okay," Ezra kissed Penelope on her forehead. They were in school and she refused to leave Ezra. Aria sat in the front seat of the car, observing what was taking place. "But daddy. Please don't leave me. I'm scared," Penelope repeated. She picked up her tiny feet and set them on the car seat. She then wrapped her arms around her knees and burried her head in them. Ezra looked at the school gate then back at his daughter. "How about I walk you to class?" He asked. She shook her head, "And will you stay with me?" She asked in a barely audible tone. "Honey I can't do that. But I promise to be here as soon as school is over," he said. She refused to budge. After a few more minutes of Ezra trying, Aria got out of her seat and got in next to Penelope. "Pen," she said, calmly, "Baby, you've got to go in there. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of." Penelope peeped put at Aria. "You'll go in and make new friends. I promise that at the end of the day, you wouldn't even want to come home. Look outside," she instructed. Penelope picked up her head and looked, "Everyone around you, at this moment, has been where you are right now," Aria nodded. "Really? Were they scared too?" Penelope asked. "Oh yes. Even I was afraid when I was your age. In fact, I was worse than you. My dad had to drive all the way back home to bring me my stuffed pig, Pigtunia." Aria raised both her eyebrows. Penelope looked directly at Ezra, in hopes that he'd drive back home to bring Blue. He had the 'really-did-you-have-to?' Look on his face. Directed at Aria. "But lucky for you," Aria grabbed Penelopes backpack, "I've spoken to a certain someone and they've agreed to coming to school with you," she smiled and pulled out Penelopes stuffed rabbit. "BLUE," Penelopes eyes widened. "You've got to be brave for Blue. You can't be afraid. You need to protect him. Can you do that?" Aria asked. Penelope nodded vigorously. "Come on, Blue. Don't be scared. I'm here," She said. She held Blue close to her chest after Aria put her backpack on her shoulders. "Bye, daddy. Bye, Aunt Aria," she kissed both their cheeks and walked through the gates of school.

"Thank you," Ezra got into the car. "What would you do without me, Fitzy?" She laughed softly. "I would probably be on my way back home with Penelope. Oh and her hair would have a super glued ribbon on it," he said. Aria chuckled in response. The next half an hour was quiet. Other than the occasional catching up, it was silent. Ezra thought back to 6 years ago. He's been suppressing this for way too long. It's time he faced it.

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