Don't break routine. -Spoby

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Spencer POV

"And they lived happily ever after," I tucked the brown haired, 5 and a half year old boy in bed and switched off his bedroom lights. "Still awake?" I asked as I stirred my coffee. "Eyes wide open," my husband shook his head. I took the baby girl from his arms and rocked her in my own. We were babysitting Aria and Ezras 4 month old baby girl, April. "Tobes, you should shower while I try to make her sleep," I sat beside him and took the bottle of milk from the coffee table. He nodded and left to shower. I hummed a few nursery rhymes until her eyes were became droopy. "Asleep?" Toby came down 10 mins later. April's eyes shot open again. I glared at him, "She was until you asked." He brushed through his hair, "Oh no." "This one's on you," I narrowed my eyes and looked back at April, "Whyyyy won't you sleep," I asked. As if Aria knew I was struggling, she called. "Is she okay?" "An angel. Who won't sleep," "She usually does after her massage. You did remember to do that, right?" Aria asked. I've completely forgotten. "I'm taking that silence as a no. Hey, are you sure you and Toby would manage? I could send my mom to fetch April?" "NO, NO, NO. We can totally manage. Enjoy your night Ar, who knows when you'll get another opportunity," I said. "Is that your way of saying you're not babysitting again?" "Definitely not. Catch you in a few days. Tell Ezra we said hi. Try not to worry too much or call every two hours. Relax as much as you can. Love you," "Thanks, Spence. Love you too."

"Massage," I looked to Toby. His eyes widened, "We totally forgot." I got out April's massage oil and started massaging her. Toby came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. "Tobes not now. Gotta concentrate," I said. "On what? You're not a masseuse or something," "yeah but we've never done this with Miles when he was a baby," I shrugged. He started kissing my neck, "Make her sleep so we can have some fun." "She would've actually been asleep long before if you didn't wake her up." I came off as annoyed but that was the point. "It's only day one and we're struggling." Toby sighed. "Not struggling, just trying to work with her routine. Remember that time you and I found out the hard way about routine?" I let out a chuckle.

Think we can have a quickie?" Toby asked Spencer. "Absolutely not. How could you ask such a thing at a time like this?" It was Thursday, 6:50pm. Spencer put their 5 month old baby, Miles to sleep about 20 minutes ago, ironed Tobys work clothes and ate supper. She was currently washing up, with the help of Toby, when he asked this question. "Come on. It's now or whenever we have time to breathe again. Which would probably be in the next two years." "You're exaggerating just a tiny bit," Spencer laughed lightly. "Oh, am I?" He asked and splashed her with water. "We don't have time for this," Spencer tried not to get back at him, being the bigger person and knowing this could lead to mess that she would have to clean, thus taking up more energy. "Do you have time for a kiss at least?" Toby wiped his hands and kissed her cheek. She rolled her eyes and wiped her hands as well. "Happy now?" She asked. "No. Not really," he frowned. Before she could exit the kitchen, he spun her around, grabbed her butt and secured her against the wall. He instructed her to jump so she could wrap her legs around him. Toby bent to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses to her mouth. She tried to pull away and stop him, "Baby. Miles. We need to wake him up. It's 7:03pm," she said. "Whats three minutes gonna do?" Toby whispered. He started grinding against Spencer's core. "Can you feel that?" He asked seductively. "How could I not?" She mirrored his actions.He lead them to the couch where he stripped off his clothing Spencer stripped off hers. He rubbed her clit, "Oh, my love. You're wet. Looks like I'll have to take care of this for you," his blue eyes met hers as he licked his fingers. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He slowly entered her. They both moaned into their kisses. "Faster, Tobes," Spencer said, clearly out of breath. Toby did as he was told. After a few more minutes of deep and fast pounding, Spencer orgasmed. Her body trembled as she held close to Toby and pushed her hips up to help him reach his climax. Spencer felt his warm liquid shoot through her. "Fuck," Toby said, he gave Spencer a lingering kiss then stood up. She got off the couch and looked at the time, "Fuck," her eye's widened. "That Was great, baby," Toby smiled and caressed her cheek. "No. It's 7:43pm. Miles should be awake by now," Spencer ran upstairs completely naked, grabbed a robe from her closet and went to Miles room. "He's still asleep," Spencer sighed. "Told you three minutes won't hurt," Toby stood at the doorway, in his robe, smiling smugly. "I'm gonna shower, watch him," Spencer said to Toby. He nodded and took her place beside the cot.

"He woke up a few minutes after you left," Toby said. He handed Miles over to Spencer, "Need me to help you bathe him?" He asked. Spencer shook her head, "Just get me his water. You can shower afterwards." Toby took the small plastic baby bathtub from Miles ensuit, filled it with warm water and returned to his changing table. By then Spencer had stripped Miles clothes off. Toby bid his wife and son a short goodbye as he left to shower. "Oh let me get you your new led lights," Spencer said to Miles. Hanna and Caleb visited earlier today and had dropped off cool lights for bathtime. "It's some new technology. You won't fry in there," Spencer assured Miles. She carefully gave him a bath while he was distracted by the colours of the tub changing, making bath time magical for him and not so wet for Spencer and Toby. Yes, Miles was a splasher.

"Who's mommy's clean boy?" Spencer smiled down at him after putting on his clothing. She put him in his cot, switched on the mobile and left to empty out the bath water. Upon returning, Spencer picked him up again and kissed his forehead. "Hey there my handsome, are you hungry?" She put her hands into her night vest and pulled out her full breast. Miles latched on instantaneously. Toby walked in and took a book from the shelf, they've decided to get into the habit of reading to their kids. It's now 8:37pm, Toby and Spencer were on the floor entertaining Miles. He loves the rotating stars that go around his room. A gift from Emily. "See those stars? They go on for Miles," Spencer and Toby would say to him. It was sweet. Their world did in fact revolve around him. "It's 9pm. Why isn't he tired?" Toby yawned. Miles had a routine. 6:30pm - 7:00pm was his short nap time. 7:00pm - 8:30pm is his bathe, feed and entertainment time. 8:30 - 11:00 is his few hour sleep before waking for a change and feed. Then at 1am he'd sleep until 4am. That's the routine they had had for months, give or take a few hours according to how old he was back then. "Because his father decided to have sex with his mother which broke his routine," Spencer sighed and massaged her temples. They sat up with Miles until 10pm. Toby was exhausted the next morning. He slept for a total of two hours. Miles became restless and refused to sleep or drink his milk. It took the couple a week to get him back on track.

Toby siged, "In my defense, you looked extremely hot on that day." "Hot? I smelt like baby powder and throw up. But thanks, anyway," Spencer chuckled and looked down in her arms to see little April asleep. "Maybe we should start telling her our boring adult stories so she could fall asleep faster," Toby grinned.

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