The Parcel. -Ezria

Start from the beginning

"Hi. So sorry about the mix up," The lady saw Ezra and immediately apologised. He shook his head, "Its okay, Stephanie. Just lucky I didn't leave the mall," he winked. Aria sat watching the exchange. "Ezra," She mumbled. Ezra turned to his side to see her. After all these years. Miss. Montgomery. Still as beautiful as ever. Wait, Miss? Did he really believe that she's not married? Ezra held on tightly to Penelopes hand. A few seconds passed before Aria bent to the little girls height. "Who's this beautiful young lady?" Aria forced a smile. "Penelope," Ezra said, "My daughter." He was controlled. Calm. At least that's what was on the outside. There was a storm brewing within him. 'Our daughter. She's our daughter, Aria. Can't you see it? She has your eyes. Your hair. And a hell of a lot more.' He thought to himself. He never dared to say that out loud. "I'm Aria. That's a great name," she stuck out her hand for Penelope to shake. Penelope hid behind her father's legs, refusing to shake her hand. Aria took in a breath and stood up. "She's shy. Like her mother," Ezra blurted. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. How could he say something like that? "Oh," Arias face fell. "Well, it was nice running into you after all these years," Aria smiled again. "But I've got to get this to Hanna before I become shredded meat." Aria sighed and took the parcel from the counter top. "Bye," Ezra said. She nodded and left.

"Hanna, please just hear me out?" Aria pleaded. "Hun, there's a reason I sent you. There's a reason I couldn't courier or have them deliver it. You better fix this. I need this in less than 24 hours," Hanna sighed. Aria, with seeing Ezra and his daughter, grabbed the wrong package. "I SAW EZRA," Aria shut her eyes and embraced herself for the wrath of Hanna Rivers. "What? That can't be?" Hanna stood, shocked. "This is his daughter's," "I see that," Hanna nodded as she examined the dress infront of her. "Ar," Hanna said, softly. "No. I've got to go. Catch you later," Aria stormed off. She didn't know what else to do. She subconsciously drove to the bar they met in.

Sunday night, New York

"DADDY THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE DOOR," Penelope yelled from the kitchen. She was colouring while Ezra finished some last minute marking. He got off his office chair and walked to the front door. "Hi. I'm here for the nanny position," the lady smiled. "Tess, right?" Ezra smiled and welcomed her in. She nodded. After the interview, she was told that she'd have to be a stay in nanny, to which she agreed. Ezra examined Tess while she spoke to Penelope. She looked a lot like Aria. With her hazel eyes, plump lips, stature, hair. She was only 22 years old, part time studying marine biology and in need of a place to stay. I'd say they killed two birds with one stone. "I'd do the pick up and drop off tomorrow. It's her first day. Thereafter, you take over," Ezra firmly stated. She nodded. He showed her around the house and gave her the relevant keys. "Do you mind ironing this? It's Penelopes uniform. I need to finish my marking," he asked Tess. She nodded and took the package, which was still intact, from Ezra.

"Mr Fitz?" She knocked on his office door. "Enter," he said. "This isn't her uniform. Unless you plan on letting her wear clothing from what seems to be H. Rivers summer collection?" She asked. "Aria must've taken my package. Again. Also, H. Rivers? As in Hanna Rivers?" He raised an eyebrow. Tess nodded, "My inspiration. You know her?" "Yes. Haven't seen her in ages. Didn't know she married Mr Rivers. Though I'm not surprised. They we're inseparable. Just like Aria and-" he stopped himself. He's not going down that path. "The fashion show is on Saturday. If I'm as obsessed with H. Rivers as my friends say, then I'd know that she needs this for tomorrow. She tweeted about important meetings with one of her models. Hence the dress. I can't believe this. I'm the nanny to a kid who's father personally knows H. Rivers." She rambled on. "I can't miss Pen's first day of school," Ezra sighed. He was in a predicament. But he didn't want Tess to go. He wanted to see Aria for himself. Maybe he could even take her out for coffee. As friends. Who knew where she was at this point in her life. He thought for a while. It takes around 2 hours to drive to Rosewood. 2 hours to get back. That equals to 5 hours if you include traffic and small stops. 6 hours if you count the time it takes to find Hanna. But he doesn't know what time Hanna has her meeting. If he had to leave this for tomorrow, Penelope wouldn't even have a first day. Hanna has her clothes. Ezra looked at the time. He could just drive down to Rosewood and be back by the morning. "I'll get Penelope in bed. It's almost 8. Watch her while I go to Rosewood," he stood and walked to Penelope, who was now playing with her toys on her bedroom floor. "Hun. I'm going to Rosewood to do a few things. Tess will be here with you, okay?" This would be the first time that Ezra would leave Penelope with someone else. He mentally prepared himself for the 5 hour separation. "I'd have to leave now. Tess, you have all the emergency numbers. Call me if you need anything." He tucked his baby girl into bed and left.

Not more than 15 minutes later, Aria showed up at his doorstep. With the intent of getting Hannas package and maybe other ulterior motives that she couldn't admit to herself. She knocked on the door and Tess answered. "Hi. Aria. Came to drop off this package and collect Hannas one," She said when she saw the lady. Her face fell, of course he's married. "Come on in. Just let me make a phone call real quick," Tess dashed out of the living room and into Ezras office. "Tess. What's wrong?" "Mr Fitz you have to turn around," "Is everything okay?" "Yeah. Everything's fine. But you don't need to go to Rosewood. Aria is here with your package," "Oh. Okay. Will be there soon." He hung up.

Aria sat in the living room. She observed her surroundings. A strip of photo booth pictures were in a large vertical frame. The first picture was of Ezra and Penelope sticking their tongues out. The second was of Penelope with a huge moustache and Ezra with a top hat, both looking rather serious, with their eyebrows furrowed. Third, Penelope made a funny face that Ezra was laughing at. And lastly, a cute picture of them smiling normally. Aria smiled to herself. Tess walked into the space, "Can I get you anything while you wait?" She asked. Aria shook her head, "it's alright." She sat there feeling awkward. I mean, what do you say to his wife? "So how long have you been married?" She blurted out. "Married?" Tess asked. "Oh no," she followed Arias glance to the pictures of Ezra and Pen, "I'm Penelopes nanny." Aria leaped for joy, inside, that is. "Mr Fitz isn't married. Or at least he hasn't mentioned anything." She shrugged and sat across Aria.

"Aria," Ezra walked into his house. Aria stood up, "Hi, Ezra. Just needed to pick up Hannas things before tomorrow and drop of Penelopes uniform," she said. He nodded and they exchanged parcels. Tess took Penelopes dresses and went right on to ironing them. "Well. I'll see you around," Aria awkwardly tucked her hair behind her ear, smiled at him, then headed towards the door. "Stay," Ezra blurted, "I mean, what time does Hanna need this by?" "10:30am, and I should leave. It's alright," she insisted. "Aria, its late. I don't mind if you stay the night. I'll even go with you back to Rosewood tomorrow morning," he said.

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