My eyes widened in shock, when I didn't feel any pain. I looked at my chest, seeing the crimson red on my shirt, but I didn't feel the pain or the sting of the blade when Daniel stabbed me. That son of a bitch, did he really stab me? I didn't feel shit!

Poppy threw a tantrum and I just could sit here, feeling nothing, watching her.

Cameron grinned at Poppy, ignoring me completely.

I averted my gaze to Daniel and I saw him looking intently at me.

Oh yeah... play dead... right.

I looked back at Poppy and whispered a soft "I love you.", before I let my head hang low, closing my eyes in the progress.

Daniel bent over me, shielding me from the others, checking my pulse.
He whispered more quietly now. "Bag full of blood, don't worry. Yar fine." I just mouthed an okay to him and remained silent.
He laid the knife into my lap and got up again.

"He's dead."

3rd person's POV

Poppy screamed and cried with all she had. Deep down she knew it would end this way. Cameron laughed at her until he had enough of her grieving. 
"Bring her back to her cell, Daniel. I am going to head out. I take care of her after I met with my business partners."
Cameron smiled again at Poppy.  "See your little boyfriend? You are the next." Then he took his cane and knocked her out.

The guys on the other side remained silent the whole time. King, Sarge, and all the others of the MC's barely could hold still, but Sullivan motioned for them to stay put, that the situation was under control. 

Daniel opened the shackles and the cuffs from Poppy and shouldered her. Cameron and his other lackey were getting ready to leave.

The minute Daniel opened the door, he was silently by the grim expressions of everyone hiding in the dark hallway. After he closed the door, Sarge stood next to him, ready to attack.  Sullivan shook his head no and mouthed "he is one of mine".
Sarge and the others stared down Daniel.
"She is unconcious, but alive.", Daniel whispered. Sarge took Poppy off his shoulders and cradled her in in his arms.
"You better be sure about that...", he growled and left with her this instant.
"Tommy is fine, a little beaten up, but he is playing dead inside. Sullivan, we can't off him now... he has a meeting with his contacts, the ones we want to get a hold of for years now..."
Sullivan nodded in acceptance, but the others didn't care. "We end this right now...", Owl and King growled lowly.
Sullivan shook his head no. "Guys, we need ta stay put... this is more than just the two of your guys. I know what he did, and this ring is bigger than you know. When the time is right, we hand him over to you, I promise."
The MC members looked at each other, processing the just heard words. Hangman stepped forward and whispered something into King's ear. "Fine. But if you trick us, the wrath of our MCs will come back at you.", he hissed through gritted teeth.
"Daniel go back, but stay safe. I'll talk to you later." Daniel nodded and waited till everyone was hiding in the dark, before he opened the door again.

"Well Daniel, took you long enough.", Cameron stated a little pissed.
"Sorry boss, I needed to take a leak."
"Well then, we leave the body here for now. We take care of that later. Let's head out for the meeting."

A few minutes later the room grew silent. Bullet opened his eyes carefully after some more time went by, to check if he really was alone.
Sighing heavily, he groaned in pain. The stabbing wasn't real,  but the blows and punches were definitely.
"Guys? Are you there?", he croacked out, loud enough for the others to hear him.
Within a second the door opened and revealed his whole MC and even more people.
"I would say, why those grim faces, but honestly I've never been happier to see you ole ugly bastards...", he smiled at them.
King was at his side abruptly, picking at the locks. "Hey, pres.... try the key in my hand... that'll work better."
"Damn kid... beaten up and still not able to shut up, are you?"
"Damn right old man. Now get me out of this fucking place, I need to see Poppy."  Free of his cuffs and shackles, King and Iarann helped him up. "Iarann, you're here?" "Damn right, brotha. I am here. Now let's get out of here, I bet there are people waiting for ya."

All of them got out without any complications. King and Iarann carried Bullet more than he was able to walk by himself. His injuries were heavy, but not to severe on the first sight.
When they got to the cars parked at the hilltop a few miles away, Bullet started yelling for Poppy.
Sarge jumped out of the back of a van, a panicking Poppy right behind him.

"TOMMY??" With a loud cry she ran to the nearing men, jumping on Bullet, holding him close. Crying loudly, but relieved, she cradled his torn face in her hands, making sure it's really him.
"I-I... I thought y-you... were... d-dead...", she sobbed. "Nah... darling I need more than a knife and a bloody beat up to kill me." Iarann let go of him, and Poppy replaced him, steadying Bullet on the way to the van.
"Let's head home, yeah?"
Poppy smiled at him and nodded. "Yes, home."


Third chapter in one day... phew!
All because of you.

Don't worry,  there is a little more to read after this chapter.

Love to you, my friends!! Your votes, comments, reads mean everything to me!!


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