Start from the beginning

Cool boy: I'm fine don't worry.

King: I wait for you.

Cool boy: Thanks.

Ram took his backpack, placed some clothes, took his Venus flytrap, and he went to look for his three dogs, those were his most precious assets and with them he would flee ...

It was almost 5 in the afternoon when he decided to go out, the afternoon was cloudy most likely it would rain later, but nothing would stop Ram

He was determined to run away from home, he needed to clear his mind ... He couldn't be there any longer.

As he was leaving he met his dad.

- Ram, son, where are you going?

- Far away, Ram said

-What's wrong ? his dad asked . He tried to stop him by grabbing his arm.

- It's about you and Kanya.... You have nothing to say ... Ram asked

- Is that....

- "You will not at least try to explain to me ... maybe I am the one who is wrong ..." Ram said, hoping that his father had some logical explanation.

- Ram, don't tell anyone about this, okay?

- Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone.... I don't want them to feel the way I do.

Ram continued on his way with his dogs. Nothing and no one would stop him now. He needed space to clear his mind. He would not run away to his friends' house or to his dorm because they would quickly find him, his best refuge was King.

He was waiting for King outside King's Dorm, a heavy downpour was about to fall, King saw Ram with his three dogs, he backed away and hid in a wall.

- Cool boy, what are you doing there? Come quickly, it's going to rain soon.

King was actually scared of those three dogs. They were the worst nightmare he could have while he was awake, He just stood it because of Ram something had happened to him and he needed his help.

-Please come in Cool boy

King handed him a towel to dry his hair and Ram's dummy used it to dry his dogs.

- Oii Cool boy, it's for you to dry yourself not your dogs.

Actually, Ram thought he had made the wrong decision in bringing his dogs to King's bedroom, he was actually very scared.

- I'm sorry I think I'll go to Duen's house

- Hey cool boy, no... noooo you will get wet and your dogs will get wet too, why don't you tie them in that room, they will be fine there.

I'll get you some clothes so you can take a shower and get change. King said.

Ram took a shower, and he changed into the clothes King had given to him. While King was taking his shower, he was looking into the distance through the window of King's room, his mind and heart were heavy, he did not know what to do in this situation. Betrayal was a very painful thing ...

- Cool boy, can you sleep in my room I'll sleep on the sofa, okay?

King received no response.

Ram just said:

- You won't ask me what happened.

- Uhmmm no, I can guess what happened to you ... King said.

Something happened to you at home and you're running away. Uhmmm that silence ... Am I right?

Ram sat on the sofa in silence. He said nothing. So King settled down to sleep.

- Cool boy, turn off the light when you go to sleep, ok? King laid down on the sofa, he covered himself with the blanket, and he closed his eyes.

Minutes later he heard the Cool boy crying . It was a heartbreaking cry, so he decided to get up. Slowly he walked over to Ram and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder , he was crying inconsolably

- Okay, don't worry, everything will be fine

- King, my father and my friend have an affair. I don't know what to do, he said with tears in his eyes.

- Shhh ,, I don't know what I would do either but soon everything will be fine , you can stay here as long as you need, okay?

Ram kept crying, so King decided to hug him and let him cry on his shoulder. Ram clung to his shelter while King gently stroked his head. And whispered in his ear

-Shhhh, cool boy, you're with me I won't let anything bad happen to you, ehh ... everything will be fine.

Nothing else mattered to him that to make his silent boy to feel calm and safe in his arms.

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