Part 22- You're not longer my son...

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What Ram said to King when they were in the garden seemed like a premonition of what they were both going through and the obstacles they had to face to stay together....

King and Ram after class went to eat at the small restaurant near the university, it had become a habit, every day they enjoyed being close, they were almost inseparable, and their friends had noticed it, but they cared little for them, they were in their own world.

When they left the restaurant, they walked for a while together, while they played a little and laughed happily, Ram approached King and he stole him a kiss.

- What are you doing coolboy? King asked him amazed

- I wanted to kiss you, just that

-Ahh really?

-Do you want another? he asked King

- Uhmmm, what do you think? He asked him with a mischievous smile

King kissed him passionately and Ram responded in the same way. The street was almost empty but one or another car was still passing. With the bad luck that it was Ram's father car.

He stopped the car and immediately got out of the vehicle

- RAM! What the hell do you think you're doing !!! he separated them immediately. King got in the way, he wouldn't allow him to touch Ram, but Ram's dad pushed him hard and he told him.

- You, don't get in this !!!, this is between us.

And he tugged at his shirt and brought him close to him. Without releasing it, he hold Ram by the collar of his uniform shirt very abruptly.

- AHHHHH Now that you are a fagot, what are you doing kissing another man in the middle of the street? That is what I taught you! You are disrespecting my last name, you know! What will people say, that my oldest son is a homosexual who is exhibiting himself on the streets? He said screaming!

- That does not concern you, it is my life !!!. And besides, you don't have the right to judge me !!!

- What are you saying, insolent !!! and he slapped Ram hard in the face, knocking him to the ground. RESPECT ME !!! rude, what could I expect from your mother... she didn't really educate you well, what she did was pamper you too much and here are the results.... !!!!

- Don't mess with my mom !!!! Ram tried to get up from the ground, tears of pain welled up in his eyes, he had finished destroying the little respect he had for his father, his words were hurtful enough to remove him from his heart for life.

- You know this won't stay like this, I'll send you far away !!!! I don't want you to turn your brother into a fagot too !! You will see !!!, ahhh and forget that I am your father, from today on you are no longer my son.

King picked him up off the ground and he hugged him very tightly, his boy kept crying, this had hurt him a lot. Because of the strong and denigrating words his father had said to him just because he had fallen in love with a man and also because it was the first time his farher have beaten him.

- My coolboy, calm down. King hugged him, I'm here with you, nothing bad will happen to you I promise.

King helped Ram to stand in his feet, he made me look him in the eye. King was stroking Ram's face with his hand his face was red and swollen.

- My King, what happens if I am taken away from you? he asked him with teary eyes. Ram didn't mind facing whoever it was, it didn't matter if his dad was against him , if his mom, his family, whoever it was. The only thing he could not bear was to be kept away from King forever.

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